Blade of Yoth
The Father's Ire

Asset. Hand. Arcane

Item. Relic. Weapon. Melee.

Cost: –.


Bonded (Eyes of Valusia).

Spend 1-3 charges: Fight. For this attack, you may use instead of . You get +2 skill value and deal +1 damage for each charge spent as part of this action's cost.

: Search your bonded cards for Eyes of Valusia and swap it with Blade of Yoth, discarding all charges.

Drazenka Kimpel
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #36.
Blade of Yoth


No faqs yet for this card.


Personally, I think that, regardless of its power level, Blade of Yoth is a very good card for Arkham because of the thematic point it makes, that the Mythos is not inherently evil. The point of Lovecraft's creations wasn't that they were hostile to humanity, it was that they were largely indifferent to them, and the cycle that gave us this card's name is one of the best examples of that: in the Forgotten Age, neither the Valusians nor the Yithians were, strictly speaking, evil, they were only trying to save their homes. Yig, the Father of Serpents, only fights you if you threaten his children, and in one resolution is willing to give you gifts for helping his children.

The Mythos is not a monolith of evil; it's a collection of non-human individuals, oftentimes possessing as much capacity for good and evil as the investigators. We can't sing Kumbaya with them, our needs are too diametrically opposed (again, the Forgotten Age shows it really well with Ichtaca's point about Earth belonging to humanity now, not the Valusians), but that doesn't mean that we're inveterate foes, utterly incapable of benevolent interaction. We're people, with all the messiness and conflict that brings with it.

It helps that Yig (whom this blade of Yoth seems at least partially aligned with, as it seems to be intended to be summoned to defend the serpent people of Valusia) is, despite being very angry, one of the more 'cuddly' and anthropomorphic great old ones, to the point it is theorized he would side with us against the outer gods and many of the other old ones who would serve them. As a bonus, his character is ultimately philosophically aligned with the guardian class, much like Bast is, to whom he shares a LOT of similarities. — dezzmont · 218
There are also other stories where the great old ones helps the humans. Just read "out of eons" where the high priest of shub-niggurath get a spell from her to defeat another god. Or Yog Sothoth in "trough the gates of the silver key" where he offers Randolph Carter a wish. Even Nyarlathotep in "dreams from the witch house" seems to be a protector of the ones who travel through the dimensions (and yes they have to sacrifice humans for this, but who understands a great old one) — Tharzax · 1

They may just forgot to add a force ability to make it set aside out of play when its discarded. Now it will go to your discard pile and deck and , eventually, you hand to be a dead card. Hope to see a FAQ to fix that. 200200200200200200200

OnThinIce · 26
i've been wondering about when you are using akachi and you change to the blade, does it get an additional charge? — brkndevil · 19
no, it dont have a word with “use(charge)” — OnThinIce · 26
I have no idea how they missed that: if it was intentional that it could still get discarded, it should have a cost to be (re)played. I am pretty sure Wish Eater doesn't have the same issue, because the moment it gets discarded, it loses all charges and the forced effect triggers. — HeroesOfTomorrow · 55
Since it says "Search your bonded cards for Eyes of Valusia and swap it with Blade of Yoth", doesn't that mean that the Blade is going into your bonded card area, since it's switching places with the Eyes? — RiftArkham · 1
Yes, and they have added errata to the rules with Bonded cards alongside the taboo lists I think.. three cycles ago? — broccolio · 2
Taboo cycles, I mean, not expansion. Although I guess the expansions are not called cycles anymore anyway. — broccolio · 2
It won't always work, but you can just use the Skill Test player window to swap it before it gets discarded. In your example, Crypt Chill opens the Skill test ST.1 or ST.2 to swap it before the effect resolves. This won't save you from some testless encounter cards that make you discard/shuffle a card from play into your discard pile/deck, but I have another solution for you. Events/card effects that let you play cards from your hand can be used to put cards without a cost into play. One card that comes to mind is Sleight of Hand. I don't think this works with cards that modify the cost of a card, like False surrender, but if it only says to put it into play or says "ignoring all costs" it should be fine. — Robax · 1