
Insight. Double.

Cost: 2.


As an additional cost to play Thorough Inquiry, spend an action.

Investigators at your location draw a combined total of 5 cards (you decide how many cards each investigator draws).

The truth is often hidden in plain sight.
David Nash
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #48.
Thorough Inquiry


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I really like this card. I view it as a "buy one preposterous sketches, get one free". While 5 is not double 3, you should take into account the fact that in each case you are spending 1 card to do this. Better yet, you can share those cards with your team. The cost savings is great since you'll probably want to be playing all those cards you just drew.

Thorough Inquiry: 2r, 2a -> net +4 cards

Preposterous Sketches: 2r, 1a -> net +2 cards

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There are other draw events that save you resources but they either cost XP or add curses:

Deep Knowledge: 0r, 1a -> net +2 cards + 2 curses

Cryptic Research: 0r, 0a, 4xp -> net +2 cards

Preposterous Sketches: 0r, 1a, 2xp -> net +2 cards

kamiidude · 63
What is easily overlooked are the icons: a +2 to two different skills on a level 0 card is rare. — AlderSign · 314
Two different _relevant_ skills! For most seekers with no intention of fighting this basically amounts to copy 3 and 4 of Unexpected courage with a nice alternate effect if you can spare the resources and the actions. The last part is probably the most inconvenient, since unlike main-fighters you're not often in a position where your actions are not that useful, but sometimes getting the fighter more cards in hands is valuable. Nice card, all around. — tinybreeder · 22

I am absolutely loving this card in my Parallel Roland deck. Both versions of Roland's deckbuilding can take it, and Red Tape makes it a fast play (so it only costs one action), which makes it just about the largest quantity draw in the game... and one action, two resources, and one card in return for five cards is also just profitable.

Cassus · 10
In my experience my hand was usually at its limit, so I just commit it just for its symbols. — Tharzax · 1