Skid's Gambles for Easy Marks Revamp1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Skid's Gambles for Easy Marks 0 0 4 1.0
Inspiration for
Skid's Gambles for Easy Marks Revamp 2. 0 0 0 2.0

GospelofRob · 1

Following the advice provided by Sassenach, I've play tested the original Skids deck with Greg or Investments with Path to Carcosa first 2 missions, Forgotten Age first 2 missions, and Murder at the Excelsior (innocent run). Sassenach knew their stuff, because the Skids economy was constantly drained.

Gregory Gry is actually the better option than Investments, especially at the lower difficulty settings. Not only is he a faster economy option than Investments, he can play beautifully with Double or Nothing/Daring Maneuver on Difficulty 0 tests. A 3/6 card combo is not where I want to be usually, but the ability to generate 6-12 resources while picking up a clue was utterly bonkers.

The problem though, as can be expected, was Skids abysmal Willpower and Sanity. Even the two sanity provided by Gregory Gry couldn't keep him up. Trying to keep him up became such a headache, that I knew I had to remove the "By Two" packages to gain survivability, spelling the end of the dream...

Except we all know Adaptable has been printed. The dream can continue as long as I can find the minimum succeed by two package that can keep Skid's ticking away. I'll be bringing the following lists on another play testing run. If this can keep keep skid's low Willpower and Sanity up, while succeeding by two, we can start solving the transition problem

*For this build to work, we need to be able to draw 3 more cards than normal (not counting Easy Mark, unless we can combo them). Mathematically, Lucky Cigarette Case drawing three or more cards keeps our weapon and clue packages the same size we need, while freeing up yet more space in our deck.