Trench Knife Yorick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

@northern_lights_over_arkham · 61

In this deck I'm trying to get some use out of the Trench Knife asset, that seems to get no play in decks. The Trench Knife is an asset that has a big focus for multiplayer play. It lets you engage multiple enemies without taking attacks of opportunity, so I built the deck around William Yorick to utilize his ability to get enemies off of other investigators and then using some survivor trickery to make them deal damage to eachother. This deck has not been tested, but I would love to test this out in a multiplayer game some day.


Feb 01, 2021 Phoenixbadger · 195

I love the idea of William Yorick using Act of Desperation on his Old Keyring and doing more damage than using the Knife