i dont know what im doing

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

benlol302 · 1

i am just a beginner in this, so any idea would be good for me


Jun 28, 2021 Nonprophet · 1

I'm certainly no expert, but I would suggest using a lot more 2x cards, the 1 offs are cool if you get them at the right time but if you have more doubles of cards your deck is much more consistent about getting the right card when you need it.

For example, I'd probably drop dario and double up on leo, maybe drop the .41 and colt for a pair of mausers, drop the skull for a second cigarette case, etc.

As far as Jenny goes, I like to lean into her archetype of making and spending cash. Streetwise and Physical Training is a powerful combo to dump resources into. I think my decks are viewable to the public? Anyways, here's my recent Jenny deck I built for Dunwich. It's been doing some work so far...


Anyways, your deck looks VERY similar to my first Jenny deck back when I first started a few months ago :) This game's a ton of fun, welcome aboard and I hope you stick with it!

Jun 28, 2021 Valentin1331 · 57122

Hey Ben, welcome to the art of deckbuilding :)

I'm certainly not the best here either but I can help you understanding why 2 copies of the same card is often considered better and in which cases it doesn't apply.

Let's say you give a value to each of your card. Leo De Luca is 10/10 as it's one of the best card in the game, and Dario El-Amin is 7/10.

Then you're happier to draw Leo De Luca rather than drawing Dario El-Amin, and having Leo De Luca at the end of your scenario would penalise you a lot.

So you want to have 2 copies of Leo De Luca to make sure that you have it as soon as possible on the table, and therefore you're looking at increasing your chances of drawing him.

If 3 copies of the same card was possible, I have no doubt that a lot of people would put 3 Leo De Luca in their deck ahah.

That's why we consider that having 2 copies of a stronger card is better than 1 copy of 2 good cards, it brings a higher average value to your deck and more consistency (less chances of having a really bad hand at start and not drawing the cards you need throughout the scenario).

Also, you need to consider, especially with Assets the time that it takes to play them, especially in Arkham Horror LCG where the mechanism of the game is action management (you have a set amount of action at the beginning of the scenario and you need to use them as efficiently as possible to increase your chances of a positive outcome).

Finally, you can think of another attitude to take with some investigators that have a huge draw, like Minh Thi Phan, Patrice Hathaway or Mandy Thompson and that will draw their whole deck anyways, and therefore are less penalised with having only 1 copy of some key assets, or using some "tutoring" cards like Prepared for the Worst, Word of Command to give you more chances to find the ONE card you need.