Stella Clark stumbling upon useful debris

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Stella - Blunder Woman (Hard Mode) 615 502 57 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Orxel · 19

Intrigued from the idea of aiming to 'fail for profit' here is a 'scavenging' variant of Stella.

Played her up to the middle of Path to Carcosa at the moment in a three player multiplayer setting (with Mark Harrigan and Akachi Onyele) and really enjoying the puzzle to optimize the play each turn with Stella.

Some thoughts on card selection:

Quick Learner helps to fail with the first action each turn to prepare some impressive three actions to follow. Take Heart triggers more consistently with Quick Learner, too.

Throw a Lantern into the mouth of a lingering fanatic to make room for clueing or give up the Gravedigger's Shovel to get behind some shrouded secrets and later Scavenging those back.

Scavenging also provides extra protection for 'accidental' success while using Old Keyring. If you happen to find a clue and such lose the last charge on the ring, it can sometimes be successful enough to just scavenge the Ring back to hand.

Dumb Luck in the non-upgraded version was even an asset in this multiplayer setting. Allows to guarantee that Mark Harrigan is drawing the enemy after putting it on top of the encounter deck and has something he likes to do.

Really like the Stella/Survivor mechanic of making each draw from the Chaos Bag a beneficial event for you.