william yorick does the arctic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

janovich · 13

I wanted to build a yorick deck with Short Supply and it works pretty well. Especially in the edge of the earth campaign, when you get a lot of teke-lili cards you have a good chance of discarding a few.

The upgrades I recommend are a level 2 Survival Knife and definitly a Timeworn Brand for killing monsters. A Charisma works well to get more allies out for more soak, but I wouldn’t call it nessecary. A Tennessee Sour Mash is also nice to handle encounter cards. Eucatastrophe is a very good card to counter bad token draws and Nothing Left to Lose helps if you need cards and rescources.

It’s a really fun deck in wich you can have some great combo’s, worth a try!