Pete in Yellow

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Onetribe · 318


Damn, that first scenario of Carcosa is really tough for people with low knowledge... Pete is the first dude I'm having a mild success with. Hear me out on the why's and the oh's here:

  • Newspaper is the secret power here. On paper (!) it looks downright bad, but wait a second. It will help you a lot while dealing with the mysterious man. And I kind of feel it will help in a few more scenarios. I remember I did a full Dunwich runthrough only after I finally made friends with this card.
  • Art Student is here if Peter won't show up, but I'm thinking that Working a Hunch could be better, if he in fact shows up. Or even Preposterous Sketches, since the dog has to eat something.
  • Between Unexpected Courage, Guts and Overpower = I'm almost sure that either the head or the fist instead of a question mark should be doubled, but I can't make my mind
  • There are amazing scenarios between Lucky! and "Look what I found!" but I guess you know that already
  • If you thought that Rise to the Occasion is a bad card, please read the treachery that you will add after the first Carcosa scenario and then think again
  • Rabbit's Foot - play it only in a first 2-3 rounds. Afterwards it's just a question mark. When it's on board you may treat it like an action that has a good outcome in both occasions. You'll either draw a card or get a clue for example. And a combo with "Look what I found!" is just crazy.
  • Everyone are crazy about Hiding Spot. I've yet to use this card for it's effect. It's works great with 2 flying shoes though, so I'll patiently wait until it pays it's due.

Upgrade prio:

  • Anything that gives cards, since Duke likes them, so Lucky! sounds good
  • Stroke of Luck that will be even more crucial if you attempt to play on Hard
  • Peter Sylvestre - just stating the obvious
  • Scrapper, altough only if you are fine with using it quite rarely. The deck has no economy and is intended to run with what it has. That being said id you already included upgraded
  • Emergency Cache it should be just fine.