Stunlock the world

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tokeeto · 33

The trick is easy.

Have 6 Power Word in play at once, thanks to Thrice Spoken and The Painted World.

Since Sefina can only have lvl 2 Mystic cards, you have to chose your role of the deck with a single point in Power Word, either healing (combine with Soul Sanctification for ludicrous effects), clue gather or fighting.

Once you gain a bit of xp, you want to grab Double, Double, maybe some shiny new events, a new set of clothes to attract buyers to your gallery?

But most importantly, you might want a new way to finance your art projects - enter Underworld Market: What if you had a way of having access to all the usual rogue goodies, like Lockpicks, a gun, a Disguise, and a way to sustain your quality of life, that never took up any of our precious deck space?

Anyway, this was just a couple of silly ideas thrown together. Have fun with your own Sefina deck!