Rexploding Performance

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

resporius · 14

We played without taboo list and this deck was absolutely insane.

Empirical Hypothesis drew two cards per turn or payed for assets, so that Higher Education was alsways online. Many other cards drew cards as well.

Lucky Cigarette Case is just great with Rex and so is Grim Memoir.

Flexibility came from Hiking Boots and In the Know.

Rex could also easily fight off enemies with Strange Solution and "I've got a plan!".

Untabooed Dr. Milan Christopher, Emergency Cache (notably level 2 for additional card draw) and Empirical Hypothesis were enough economy to had Higher Education always availbale.

Rex's Curse is kind of fun.

Played through Path to Carcosa with Mark Harrigan