- NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated August 2022): Erratum: The purchase restriction on this card should be replaced with the keyword: "Researched." - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Strange Solution
Acidic Ichor
Item. Science.
Cost: 1. XP: 4.
Researched. Uses (3 supplies).
Spend 1 supply: Fight. Attack with a base skill of 6. This attack deals +2 damage.
Latest Taboo
This card's fight ability now reads "+1 damage" instead of "+2 damage."

Related Cards
- Strange Solution: Empowering Elixir (4) (Return to the Dunwich Legacy #4)
- Strange Solution: Unidentified (The Dunwich Legacy #21)
- Strange Solution: Restorative Concoction (4) (Where Doom Awaits #262)
- Strange Solution: Freezing Variant (4) (Where Doom Awaits #264)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
With the Acidic Ichor variant (see above) of the Strange Solution, seekers gain an awesome weapon. Strength is a problem for all the current seekers, and having your base increased to 6 is great - and combined with +2 damage, it becomes awesome. On top of that, it's cheap, and it doesn't take a hand slot.
In a recent campaign I equipped Rex with 2 of these as early as I could - they do need a lot of XP - and he was a better fighter than Jenny through much of the rest of the campaign.
- Gives seekers good combat
- Deals 3 damage!
- Cheap
- Leaves hands free
- You have to identify the solution, to start with. That relies on the right card coming out, your playing it, and passing the test.
- They're expensive XP-wise - though if compared with The Red-Gloved Man they feel about right.
- They're hard to discard once used - and so hard to Scavenge
- It can be difficult to use all that damage effectively. For example, a 4 damage enemy would require 2 uses - which wastes a third of the damage they can do. Ideally, get someone else to do the additional damage.
To be honest, I think that combat beats evasion (kill it and it goes away) and healing (kill it and it won't hurt you) , so I can't see why you'd use either of the other Strange Solutions.
This card seems incredible at first glance. And it really is.
+2 damage is a dominant effect in this game, and cards that offer repeatable +2 damage are almost always outstanding. (Springfield M1903 is why I had to say "almost".) Compared to the other +2 damage weapons in the game, Acidic Ichor is way cheaper and more convenient. Think of Lightning Gun; Acidic Ichor is cheaper by 1 XP, 5 resources, and 2 hand slots. That's amazing. It's kind of bizarre that the faction that's the best at finding clues would get a combat card as sweet as this, but that's how it is.
Yes, you need to identify the solution. But that basically boils down to spending a couple actions and passing an Intellect (4) test. Even on high levels, that's not much hassle.
As icing on the cake, Emergency Cache III is a quite efficient (albeit XP-intensive) way to reload this card.
So what's the catch?
Well, on lower levels, I would say there really isn't one. On Easy, Acidic Ichor will basically perform like a much cheaper Lightning Gun. That's every bit as good as it sounds.
On higher levels, though, and particularly on Expert, Acidic Ichor is no Lightning Gun. This is because attacking at base 6 is nowhere near enough. If you try to hit a 4-fight enemy without boosting (and most good targets for this card will have high fight), your odds of hitting are going to be substantially under 50%. You need to be able to boost your shots by a good +3 or +4 to make this card rewarding. Since Seeker decks tend not to be naturally loaded with Combat icons, that's not always easy.
Of course, you do have some options for getting that Combat up. You could run Overpower, Inquiring Mind, Unexpected Courage, maybe even Scientific Theory. Minh (easily the best Seeker at running Acidic Ichor) can take Lucky!, which helps an awful lot. Daisy might be able to get Encyclopedia to work out in certain situations. Maybe your allies have the spare cards to boost you. You have options. But it's difficult enough to hit with Acidic Ichor that the card is no longer a slam dunk.
I think Acidic Ichor becomes more of a build-around card on Expert. It's not something you can just throw into any Seeker deck and get good results. If you're in a multiplayer group and your allies are doing a good job handling monsters, devoting a lot of deck space and XP to Acidic Ichor may not be worth it. It can absolutely do great work on Expert if you put the effort in, but you do have to put the effort in.
""At the FFG design table"" : Well guys, Seekers are the class that we like the best! We win the game by getting clues but sometimes enemies show up and make us waste our precious actions on dealing with them, how can we improve Seekers more? We already decided that in future we will give them highest stat that is needed to win the game by getting clues, best draw, best search, clue manipulation effects with cards like Vantage Point, Gené Beauregard etc., pretty good Willpower so they do not have to worry about threacheries, best movement cards with Shortcut, Pathfinder etc., but we still have to give them something to be even more powerful. How about we give them assets that deal dmg like they are Guardians on cocaine? Let's print some testless dmg cards like Occult Lexicon, Ancient Stone, The Necronomicon. Yes, that will be good!! Also, let's give them this card for start, which will let them fight as Guardians, but also clear clues in the meantime when there are no enemies like we are used to, so our Guardian player can sit at the table and play Pokemon Showdown and not worry about the game at all because we will do it all and i love it when other classes feel useless!!!
Some random worker at FFG : but sir, will that lead to players not having fun as there will strictly be 1 class that is better then all the others? Maybe we will even have to do something with the cards, like invent a tabboo list or something?
""FFG guy"" : Fire that man!!