Leo Anderson - King Midas

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ZachsFisher · 48

The legendary King Midas infamously gained the power to turn all he touched to gold, hence the name for this Leo Anderson deck where everything your bullets touch turns to gold!

The main weapons in this deck are .45 Thompson and Mauser C96, which give you money back when fighting. Leo will cash in even more on these resource producing guns with Stylish Coat, for some superb recourse gain.

Tetsuo Mori will help us to grab a gun from our deck or discard, while Swift Reload, Contraband, and Venturer will keep your weapons loaded with plenty of bullets.

Well Connected and Money Talks will give us a pay off for having spare cash stockpiling in the mid to late game. While Embezzled Treasure will let us put away some of our hoard for an early game boost on the next scenario. The extra resources at the beginning of the game can be great to not waste time with a gain a resource basic action on turn 1 just to play our .45 Thompson.

Our skills will help us get over the hump of only having 4 , yet wanting to succeed by 2 or more on several of our cards. Hopefully between our skills and Well Connected we can even hit the succeed by 4 threshold on the Mauser.