Dark Horse Minh

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Arrdet · 13

Minh Thi Phan deck for a 4 player Carcosa campaign on hard difficulty. Playing with Lola, Wendy and Mark.

I think Dark Horse works especially well with Minh and so I built a skill heavy, low cost deck to take advantage of both Dark Horse and Minh's innate skill based super power.

The first scenario was a big success earning 7xp. We decided not to go to the police due to the amount of dynamite that had been used and the raging fire we left behind. I really wish I had worn Fine Clothes to the show.

Planning to upgrade: Magnifying Glass to Magnifying Glass Deduction to Deduction Barricade to Forewarned A Chance Encounter to Cryptic Research No Stone Unturned to Eidetic Memory Perception to Stroke of Luck