Drowned Daisy Double Feature

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WoodenDunny · 20

Daisy Meme

Gone are the days of Eldritch Sophist and awkward charge and secret batteries! With the new Drowned City cards Library Pass and Enraptured (2), we are able to abuse The Necronomicon and Pendant of the Queen like never before.

The Necronomicon

As many noticed during spoiler season, Library Pass works great in combination with Scroll of Secrets to draw the tomes sent to the bottom of the deck again. The most powerful tome to loop this way is The Necronomicon, allowing it to have a fresh 6 secrets every turn to help pass tests, draw cards, discover clues (from any location), and damage enemies.

Simply activate the Library Pass to get Necro into play, use its secrets, put it on the bottom of your deck at the end of your turn, and then use one of the player windows in enemy/upkeep phase to look at the bottom card of your deck and draw it with Scroll's ability.

Pendant of the Queen

Assemble the Segments quickly with Whitton Greene and Daisy's other tomes. Once assembled, you can activate it each turn to teleport to a revealed location, auto-evade an enemy (even elites!), or discover a clue (again, from any location).


The above combos are not infinite, as Scroll of Secrets and Pendant of the Queen both only have 3 uses. This is where Enraptured comes in. As long as you can pass the investigation test it's committed to, it adds 3 charges and/or secrets divided as you choose to top up your assets. It is also practiced for Practice Makes Perfect.

In my playtesting, using Enraptured (2) with the occasional PMP was plenty to keep both Scroll and Pendant supplied, and even gave me enough extra to use Spectral Shield to negate some incidental damage and horror, although I'd recommended attaching the shield to Whitton rather than yourself to avoid accidentally eating the last Pendant charge and exiling it.


This deck is very strong and has a habit of taking long turns, as you have many choices aside from your normal 3 actions per turn between Daisy's tome action, using Pendant, and using all the Necro secrets. This is less of a deck I'd recommend you play on your first run of the Drowned City and more of something I would run through a standalone to feel its power and then shelve it to spare your playgroup from watching you play solitaire for a full campaign.

Link to level 0 decklist


Mar 15, 2025 Dragon2875 · 1

How does this affect Lebron's legacy?