Michael McGlen - Gatling fun?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SaturdayNightWizard · 147

Gatling gun!? Why not? Even from the first scenario? Yes!

Gatling Gun combined with Joey "The Rat" Vigil and Mob Connections allow you to recycle your gatling gun.

I am assuming that - please correct me if I'm wrong - we can take both In the Thick of It and Ascetic and get 13xp to spend at deck creation. This is enough to purchase what we need (with 1xp left over).

Some considerations:

  • Recycling your gatling gun is pretty expensive, so we should probably take some cards to generate resources.

  • We need to find our 3 key cards (mentioned at the beginning) - but we are Rogue, and we have Rogue cards, and also this time we have "Viola" Case.

  • I spent my extra 1xp on Fence, but there is probably a better investment.

  • You can put whatever else you want in the rest of the deck.

Other interesting cards (that we can't take here) to combine with Gatling Gun: