Jim Culver joins Rex in Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nez477 · 1

This is the second deck that I'll be taking to Dunwich. As mentioned in the Rex deck, I randomly selected two of the investigators from Core/Dunwich/Carcosa to take on a full Dunwich campaign, and I got a second Dunwich investigator in Jim. Also as mentioned in the Rex deck notes, I've played maybe 8 games of AHLCG so I still consider myself a bit of a noob.

I'm glad I got Jim as it seems he's considered one of the weaker investigators. As Rex was the first deck I built, I knew that Jim had to do everything in his power to be my monster killer. Most builds for Jim seem like they are support-focused or even investigating focused, so I felt this one was a bit of a challenge.

His deck is all about willpower, which isn't abnormal for mystics. Shrivelling and Holy Rosary and Storm of Spirits were the no brainers that I added first. There is some debate around Ritual Candles being any good for Jim, but I think that it will give me a bit more flexibility in my test decisions. We'll see if that gets cut when I start leveling.

The Fire Axe was the next card to be added. If Jim is going to be my monster killer I can't just rely on Shriveling. I'll use the Axe to cut down some smaller opponents.

From a thematic standpoint here I decided that Jim is just starting to talk to other people about what he's experienced, about the talking ghouls. He's surrounding himself with a cast of allies to help him deal with what he's experienced. At first it may not make sense to have three different allies here, but I plan on going straight for Charisma and having Jim go ally-heavy.

I really like Defiance. It seems to not get much love, but Jim's tests are going to be likely harder than Rex' throughout this campaign, and given that skulls won't be a problem I liked the idea of having a ? symbol along with eliminating one of the harder or or symbol. Maybe I find it not that useful, we'll see.

I spread out the non-Mystic cards, adding Leo, but also adding one copy of Lone Wolf and Lucky!. I don't see Rex and Jim around each other much so I thought this would be a way to keep some nice resource collection going. I went back and forth with these a lot (considering Emergency Aid strongly) but in the end I like the build as it seems a bit different.

Rounding out the deck Blinding Light and Hypnotic Gaze will help me out of tough situations, and Painkillers will allow him to take some pain damage and then heal himself. I feel that combo's nice with his Trumpet.

Excited to try these out tonight!