New Player Agnes (With Wide Card Pool)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

slyjeff · 502

Attempting to make an easy to pilot Agnes Deck for newer players.

Players should understand how Painkillers and Forbidden knowledge turn into free damage using her ability.

No Emergency Cache, as Uncage the Soul should be able to handle the high spell costs with the option of being able to use it to pump up willpower.


Nov 08, 2018 simongeorges · 241

I used almost the same deck in a dunwich campaign with Finn (see with Fight or Flight in place of Storm of Spirits and Flashlight, and Blinding Light should have been Guts), and it was a pleasure. The deck works really well indeed, is consistent, quite easy to play. You have to carefully manage the horror, but it's very efficient in dealing with monsters.

Nov 08, 2018 slyjeff · 502

Ah yeah, Fight or Flight would be good!

I threw this together at someone's requireste on FB for an easy to play Deck better than the core suggestion, so I'm glad to hear it matches one that has worked IRL!

(My successful Agnes deck was designed for solo and a little bit more challenging to pilot well).

Nov 08, 2018 simongeorges · 241

For a quick throw, it's damn well done ;-) But yeah, Finn Edwards was the perfect companion: efficient cluer, and can evade monsters when you're not set up. I really recommend this duo. I agree solo Agnes is a little more trickier ;-)