Urchin Ranger (With bow) 5 xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Shuruikan · 7

Now with 5 xp, we can finaly be an Urchin with a bow in our hands. So I went for Ornate Bow, Lockpicks and Adaptable. Ornate Bow only lets you have one arrow at a time, so spend it wisely. Try to aim for 3 hp enemys, and if you still need more damage that turn, we still have Backstab and Sneak Attack. Any free time you have, nock another arrow, Leo De Luca is here for a reason. Lockpicks will provide you with the tools to be an even better investigator with your high agility. Adaptable just because I like to be flexible. Remember the x2 Backpack? Now we have very good items to make use of them, like Ornate Bow, Lockpicks, Wendy's Amulet and Track Shoes.

Check my next upgrade here. https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/320193