Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
Ancient Stone: Knowledge of the Elders (4) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. The City of Archives 230
Astronomical Atlas (3) Mystic 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 67
Dowsing Rod (4) Mystic 4 Asset. Hand Item. Charm. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 97
Enchanted Skull: Mask of the Burning Pit Neutral 1 Asset. Arcane. Accessory Item. Relic. War of the Outer Gods 55 War of the Outer Gods 51
Expedition Journal Neutral 2 Asset Item. Tome. Threads of Fate 148 Threads of Fate 40
Eye of the Djinn: Vessel of Good and Evil (2) Rogue 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Blessed. Cursed. A Light in the Fog 225
Fingerprint Kit (4) Seeker 5 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 57
Lantern (2) Survivor 1 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Return to the Path to Carcosa 9
Mariner's Compass (2) Survivor 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 122
Microscope (4) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. Science. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion 58
Mineral Specimen Neutral 0 Asset Item. Relic. Expedition. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 118 To the Forbidden Peaks 32
Newspaper (2) Survivor 1 Asset. Hand Item. Dim Carcosa 313
Occult Lexicon (3) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Occult. Return to the Circle Undone 4
Old Keyring (3) Survivor 1 Asset. Hand Item. Tool. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 117
Otherworldly Compass (2) Seeker 2 Asset. Hand Item. Relic. Heart of the Elders 194
Scroll of Secrets (3) Seeker 1 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. For the Greater Good 188
Small Radio Neutral 0 Asset Item. Expedition. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 119 To the Forbidden Peaks 33
Strange Solution: Empowering Elixir (4) Seeker 1 Asset Item. Science. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 4
Surgical Kit (3) Seeker 2 Asset Item. Tool. Science. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 56
The Necronomicon: Petrus de Dacia Translation (5) Seeker 3 Asset. Hand Item. Tome. Harvey Walters 33
The Raven Quill Seeker 3 Event Item. Relic. Upgrade. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 42
The Skeleton Key (2) Rogue 3 Asset Item. Relic. Cursed. The Depths of Yoth 270