Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
Brute Force (1) Survivor Skill Innate. Developed. A Thousand Shapes of Horror 166
Dauntless Spirit (1) Survivor Skill Innate. Developed. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 78
Defiance (2) Mystic Skill Innate. Developed. Heart of the Elders 198
Expeditious Retreat (1) Survivor Skill Innate. Developed. Point of No Return 246
Fearless (2) Mystic Skill Innate. Developed. Where Doom Awaits 268
Grizzled Survivor Skill Innate. Developed. The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion 101
Guts (2) Mystic Skill Innate. Developed. Jacqueline Fine 24
Manual Dexterity (2) Rogue Skill Innate. Developed. Winifred Habbamock 25
Opportunist (2) Rogue Skill Innate. Developed. Undimensioned and Unseen 231
Savant (1) Rogue Skill Innate. Developed. Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion 52
Sharp Vision (1) Survivor Skill Innate. Developed. Dark Side of the Moon 204
Survival Instinct (2) Survivor Skill Innate. Developed. Undimensioned and Unseen 235
Unexpected Courage (2) Survivor Skill Innate. Developed. Stella Clark 26