
Tactic. Trick.

Cost: 1.


Parley. Choose an enemy at your location and an Item asset in your hand. Perform a fight action against the chosen enemy. If you succeed, instead of dealing damage, play the chosen asset, reducing its cost by each point you succeeded by.

"H-hands where I can see 'em!"
Rob Laskey
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #26.
Hold Up


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As a card, not bad, Guardians do love economy cards and his can be a great way to get a weapon in hand while engaged with an enemy. Somewhat niche usage, but any item heavy deck will find a use.

What I am curious about is the wording. "Take a fight action" does not specify a basic action. So I believe a fight action on an asset or a fight event could be used. Of course this balanced by it doing no damage. So using ammo on this seems foolish, same with an event. But, it only cancels the damage. So is Leg Sweep or Cheap Shot is used, it would still evade the enemy. There are probably other combos that I haven't thought of where you can take a secondary effect still. Blessed Blade could add blessings. Rita can take this, do an attack that also evades, play an asset and deal damage with her effect since it is separate from the fight action damage. I don't know if One-Two Punch (0) would count the second fight as outside the event. But if it doesn't, could you get two cost reductions? Or you can get crazy and have Skids or Leo use Cheap Shot or Leg Sweep, evade the enemy, tap Dirty Fighting to do a fight action using the asset you just played. Since the order of operations has the playing an item and the evade triggered simultaneously, so the item can be played, then the evade triggered thus making the Dirty Fighting attack triggered in a separate window (After the evade as opposed to after the fight.)

TL:DR - A useful economy card for certain specific builds. But potentially an engine for shenanigans, whether they are particularly good shenanigans or not, I don't yet know.

dkilkay · 4
It does cost 1, so wining one or more is a necessity to make a profit. Compare this with I'll take that, which cost 0, play after success, does not block the success effect. This is pure grabege. However trick keyword may allow some none bule or green character do something with it, but still it's quite bad since it's played before hand and it has a cost. — ben_feng0415 · 1

I find it very amusing that the Guardian perhaps most incentivized to go around sticking people up for cash is FBI Agent Roland Banks. With Red Tape and Due Diligence he can make this fast and get +2 to the parley for each enemy engaged with him. Browbeat those Ghoul Minion or Cats from Saturn into assembling a flamethrower for you, then cook them with it. It does take up both of your allowed card plays for the turn, but seems worth it. Just don't autofail.

...and use your starting exp to get 2 copies of Old Shotgun. It enters play during an event and you only have to succeed by 0. — Pinchers · 131

Given it costs 1, you'd have to succeed by 4 in order to save 3 resources and break even w/ E-cache. You'd also need to have an item that costs at least 4. You'd probably also want to have the resources to pay for it even if you only succeed by 0 or 1.

You do save 1 action and avoid attacks of opportunity so there is value in that, but it may not be enough to make it worth it when looking at it purely in regards to economy. Where it could be good is using it in combination with events/skills that have additional non-damage effects.

"Throw the Book at Them!", Act of Desperation, Cheap Shot, Grievous Wound. All of these could be good events with this.

Stunning Blow can still evade. Long Shot says "does 1 damage" not, "deals +1 damage" so you can still get some.

Zeal being used for the automatically success means that you can ensure your item is heavily discounted.

kamiidude · 63
Hold Up + Zeal = Puss in Boots? — MrGoldbee · 1473
Now that you mention that you want the resources to pay for the item, I notice that the text doesn't say that you "may" play an item if you succeed. So if you succeed by 0 or 1 then wouldn't that mean that you have to play the item anyway? If you don't have the resources I guess you just whiff? — Nephthys17 · 1

This card mechanically feels similar to "I'll take that!" to me - you play an item from hand after succeeding after a specified test. However, I'm a bit flabbergasted by how much better that card seems than this one. First, Hold Up requires you to play it in advance of performing the fight action, whereas "I'll take that!" is fast and allows you to respond to your own success. The auto-fail sends this card to your discard pile as opposed to you being able to retry the same test for another chance at an over success. Second, Hold Up's effect replaces the damage of the test, while you keep the clue or the evasion of the enemy with "I'll take that!". Finally, this card costs 1 resource while the other card is free. These cards are on a completely different playing field in regards to level of power!

Phanticus · 2
I also don't get this card. "I'll take that!" even gives you 2 options, whereas this one requires an enemy. — AlderSign · 314

If you play this card in combination with Kukri, it might be good! But you know, that means you are playing a deck full of the worst cards ever printed in this game, so why stop at that? Put in a Quickdraw Holster in your deck maybe, maybe then you wanna play a Springfield M1903 which you will then realise you fcked up the timing and you will discard the Kukri you played before, so at that point you will feel sorry for yourself and take all 4 cards and throw them into the fire.

TLDR: Nobody will ever play this, sadly. But not so sadly, as the artwork is also one of the worst in the game, and i swear my AI image generator has done better

Blood&gore · 435
I'm confused about how Kukri is supposed to be relevant here. — OrionAnderson · 92
A quick card search reveals that Rob Laskey was culprit responsible for the images on Hemlock's suite of new animal mask cards, which instantly assult your eyeballs with easily some of the most atrocious art in the game. This the kind of cheap hackery that lowers a game's prestige. N — Blitheharrow · 38