
Innate. Blessed.


Max 1 committed per skill test.

You may commit Purified to any type of test.

If this test is successful, for each point you succeeded by (to a maximum of 5), add 1 token or remove 1 token from the chaos bag.

Cristina Vela
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #29.


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NEW (as feedback in comment corrected me, thank you): So, I've been playing this with Kōhaku. Read the Signs will get you a 8 base check. In a 2-shroud location this should give you 3 bless tokens average in Normal mode.

If you add some stat boost (Gabriel Carillo, Holy Rosary, St. Hubert Key...) you can get to 9 or 10 base check. If you fetch a bless token with Tome of the Living Dead you get to a 11-12 base check. You may want to add even a skill to get higher numbers.

This card should always give you 5 bless tokens in the right setup for 0 cost and a slot in your deck (2 if you run 2 copies). It is fun and cheap. Maybe there are more reliable ways to add bless tokens to the chaos bag, but if you plan to have a very high base check in your deck this is worth the slot. Kōhaku can play this (and should, since he is the prime user of Spectral Razor (2) and Read the Signs (2)), Sister Mary can enjoy it since she will gladly run Spectral Razor or Cyclopean Hammer, Lily is more of the same...

OLD (I dind't read well the limitation of 5 bless tokens maximum): So, I've been playing this with Kōhaku. Read the Signs will get you a 8 base check. In a 2-shroud location this should give you 3-4 bless tokens average in Normal mode.

If you add some stat boost (Gabriel Carillo, Holy Rosary, St. Hubert Key...) you can get to 9 or 10 base check. If you fetch a bless token with Tome of the Living Dead you get to a 11-12 base check. You may want to add even a skill to get higher numbers.

I've seen this card giving me 6-8 bless tokens. It is fun. Maybe there are over more reliable ways to add bless tokens to the chaos bag, but if you plan to have a very high base check in your deck this is worth the slot.

rodro · 181
If this test is successful, for each point you succeeded by (to a maximum of 5)... — MrGoldbee · 1441
so, I haven't read that. Anyways, it is 5 blessed almost guaranteed for pasively doing a good check, it is ok — rodro · 181
There is a limit to this, is that Kōhaku unfortunately has very little things that synergise with Bless, so he mainly wants to pull some curses with his Book of Living Myths, to feed the Spectacles/Armageddon. The one build that wants to have some blesses is the combat build, so these can be pulled by the Book of Living Myths to recur Read the Signs (2) and Spectral Razor (2), as well as potentially feed Nephthys. So while being good in itself, this card unfortunately suffers from Bless being rather Niche in Kōhaku. In some blessed fighters like Mary or NaCho on the other hand.... — Valentin1331 · 66162