Father Mateo
The Priest


Believer. Warden.

  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 3
Health: 6. Sanity: 8.

During your turn: Seal a token on an investigator at your location with no token sealed on them. (Limit once per round.)

When an investigator would reveal a chaos token: Resolve the token sealed on them instead. Release that token.

effect: +1. Resolve Father Mateo's ability, ignoring its limit.

Magali Villeneuve
Aura of Faith #81.

Father Mateo - Back


Deck Size: 30.

Deckbuilding Options: Mystic cards () level 0-3, Blessed cards level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, up to 5 other cards with "seal" level 0-5.

Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): The Codex of Ages, Serpents of Yig, 1 random basic weakness.

Mateo Castile's life has not been easy since he became a priest. Recent decades in Mexico have been wracked with instability and conflict. Father Mateo struggled to balance his faith with the pragmatic concerns of preaching when the law told him he must not. But this is not what has assaulted Mateo's faith at its core. The nearby murders and kidnappings were not politically motivated, as he had suspected. A gruesome and horrid cult thrives at the heart of the brewing war. How, Mateo wonders, could a kind and loving God allow what he saw that night to exist?
Father Mateo
Father Mateo
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Seems OP to always have Favor of the Sun builded into your investigator and have access to Ancient Covenant and also start with 5xp by keeping the old back. No reason to ever go classic Mateo unless you specifically want to run Blessing of Isis or some full support style. But even then its debatable what's better

Son_of_Gothos · 112

How interact Father Mateo reaction ability with card like blessed blade lvl1? Can i do 2 damage with the blade or it is not count as reveal (and just resolve) of that bless token from Father Mateo...

You resolve the bless token instead of drawing a token, so yes it count as drawing a bless token. So yes you do additional damage with the sword. But since this a review section such questions are better asked in the Reddit forum or on the mythbuster discord. — Tharzax · 1
Board Game Geek forum is another good spot, in particular on the original core set entry. You usually get there an answer within an hour, instead 14 hours, like you got here. — Susumu · 368