"...And the dog bites too."

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ladislaus · 314

In this mostly inexpensive "Ashcan" Pete deck, our favorite Drifter is ready to smite his enemies with his Fire Axe, Knife, Flare, or with Duke's savage bites enhanced by either Vicious Blow, Lucky!, or Overpower. Oops! helps cover any Fight-based missteps, while his Leather Coat allows "Ashcan" to take that extra hit or two.

Those enemies that he's not quite ready to smite, he gives the slip with either of his enhancers (Dig Deep, Hard Knocks, or Manual Dexterity), spurred on by his namefellow Peter Sylvestre, or other standbys, like Survival Instinct, Lucky! or even the last-ditch/cash-all-your-chips-in: Cunning Distraction. Bait and Switch helps re-position that enemy who's just in the wrong place.

When he's not smiting or running for his life, Pete searches for clues in places most good folk avoid with his trusty canine Duke's keen sense of smell, or by relying on his good own fortune: "Look what I found!" or Lucky!.

Finally, to keep his loyal hound, Duke, ready to act, Pete's Rabbit's Foot, his uncanny ability to be even more Lucky! than usual, or his natural talents of Guts, Manual Dexterity, or even Overpower.

But this being Arkham and all, things don't always go Pete or Duke's way. In fact, sometimes they just go plain sideways. But at least "Ashcan" Pete always has Duke... when he's not Wracked by Nightmares, that is.