Wendy Adams upgrade for Midnight Masks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

sof.avger · 21

Upgraded deck of Wendy Adams for two handed solo game paired with Roland Banks in standard mode. 1x Core set 1x Dunwich horror 1x Miscatonic museum The changes I have made to her starter deck are:

The reason I did these changes is, ok for Leo is obvious because he is cheaper. The other two though, the stray cat is because since if I get Leo out I am planning on keeping him so no room for a 2nd ally, and opportunist is good but not a problem solver I think. Close call can do the trick for an unwanted enemy at bad timing (which happens a lot) and will to survive if used in particular moment can really save a round. I am also a begginer played 4 campaigns and lost in the end, because of bold upgrade choices, so I hope this time goes well. Comments are very welcomed.


Jun 19, 2020 Synisill · 795

Hi sof.avger! Just read your introduction and, as a big Wendy fan, would like to comment. I have not looked up your Roland deck yet, but i assume he's for the dirty work. If you want to survive in Arkham, you need to plan ahead. The better you know the scenario, the easier it becomes to plan. So do not despair, the first few attempts are the hardest! I would further advise you to read some of the reviews on cards on this website. For example Dig Deep. I have reviewed this myself and you will find the reason there why you should ditch that one. I would keep the cat instead. Further, i would include 2 copies of all key cards. Just to heighten the chance u actually draw them. Like 2x Leo, he's a bummer! It is great you found Lita, she will make your future bright! Try to have a plan for a scenario - like finding at least 4 cultists. It's advisable to retire before the Midnight bell rings.... Close Call and Survival Instinct will be valuable in the last scenario. I wish you good luck and lots of fun tinkering with your deck!

Jun 20, 2020 sof.avger · 21

Thank you Synisill for the tips. Well you are right, Roland is for the dirty work and the poor thing did a great job but at a great cost. Roland will start the 3f scenario with -2 mental health. I did found 4 cultists before midnight but most of the cards I included in this upgrade either didnt show up or were too late. So I achieved this outcome with a terrible card draw for both, but a lot of luck in the bag draw...many 0s and -1 +1. Now Roland got his mental hits from the 1st scenario (house) and 2nd scenario (cover up) and he really needs to draw a first aid card int he 3d. Now I am going to read all of your reviews!!!

Jun 24, 2020 Synisill · 795

Hi sof! I didn't return to here until now. Roland has his personal difficulties... covering up his past is the toughest weakness i can think of. This poor cop struggles with money as well as with finding clues. Often as not, enemies do not spawn at locations with clues on them. One possibility is to "move" to a location with an enemy on your trail (taking one hit of opportunity) and then kill it. Maybe Roland has a Shortcut - the fact it's fast means it doesn't trigger Attacks of Opportunity if he is engaged with an enemy.

Did u try scenario 3 yet? I would love to hear the outcome!

Jun 29, 2020 Synisill · 795

Hey sof! How do you do? Ive been hoping to see your report on scenario 3.... :C

Jul 01, 2020 sof.avger · 21

Hello Synisill, I am fine thank you. I hope you are well too. Other than that Wendy stayed alive in scenario 3 but poor Roland (Wendy would have died too if it wasnt for Rolands shortcut twice!!!), and that happened because I played Very arrogantly!! And the game knew this!! Haha That game is definately haunted. I thought that just because I managed 4 cultists in the 2nd-the elite being amongst them and since I killed the ghoul priest I was quite set for the 3d. When I put the encounter set together in the setup I noticed how thick with monsters it was and I started to get anxious...Roland and Lita of course mostly her, had to die for Wendy to live and even though it is a closure it is not a win..I will play again but for now I am going Dunwich with Rex.

Jul 02, 2020 Synisill · 795

HAHAHAH!!! Thank you very much for keeping me updated! It was very smart to throw Lita into that monster's gullet! I feel a bit of relief. Maybe that is because i had several (!) plays with friends of mine in which poor Wendy was left alone at a bad spot in the very last scenario - and died horribly! Of course, the team pretended to be mourn- and thankful for her 'heroic sacrifice', but at the end, Wendy was still falling eternally into a thick blackness.....

THe Dunwich campaign is way more forgiving and i wish you the best of luck for your new hired gun - or, eye, i should say! If u publish your experiences there, you can be sure they will be read by one person at least.

Have a frightful time!