Odd Auto-Investigating Forbidden Tome Minh (Jeremiah Kirby)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Odd Dark Horse Minh (Jeremiah Kirby) 1 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

bulaxy · 260

This deck that rely on Jeremiah Kirby as card draw

The 27/33 cards in the deck is odd, so Jeremiah is expected to draw quite a few cards.

To begin with, Minh normally want to commit cards, but what if you dont do it? and what if you add Forbidden Tome on top of it?

Dream-Enhancing Serum, Forbidden Tome and Abigail Foreman are all odd cards, what if you put all of them together?

jeremiah Kirby allow you to draw to your combo quite quickly, and just testless evade all the time! However, due to The King in Yellow, you probably only able to get 1 forbidden tome in play, so only 2 test-less clueves per turn.

4 Sled Dogs just helps enable [Forbidden Tome](/card/60230. Mind over Matter can be considered to get more fighting.

You probably want to use Segment of Onyx quite often since it you probably cycle your deck quite quickly and get it back quite quickly as well.

Lucid Dreaming and A Chance Encounter can help replay Jeremiah to draw faster, (realistically probably dont need to)

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