Rune for your life

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WhiteWaterKing · 2

An all rounder build for Lily centering around the Runic Axe. The idea is to use the "Hunt" upgrade on axe in tandem with "Let me handle this!" and On the Hunt to have an enemy on you as much as possible in order to maximize your free movements.

This is similar to the hyper focused hammer builds, but is able to be even more flexible thanks to being able to find clues and move with just the axe. You'll be able to get a fair amount of clues thanks to axe, Grete and your 2nd discipline.

Typical strategy is to put Emergency Cache, Prepared for the Worstt, and Ever Vigilant under Stick to the Plan. You can sub out Refine or On the Hunt, but don't sub out Prepared for the Worst.

Mulligan hard for any way to find the axe, and if you somehow cant you have spectral razor as a backup.

Once your axe is enchanted you become extremely powerful, as you're able to all but guarantee getting triggers on Glory and Elders

Level 0 version here

Prioritize getting Hunt and Glory on the axe (hopefully you can pull off playing Refine), then grab stick to the plan. After that you want to get the Scriptweaver upgrade and Enchant Weapon. Anything else is up to preference.

There might be a down the rabbit hole build with this deck, as you aren't really adding many new cards, but I'm not sure how the interaction works with customizable or if the math makes it worth it. If you can get 2 xp free a scenario towards the axe I might see it being viable, but down the rabbit hole is already pretty rough with Lily as you can only usually upgrade 5 of the cards in your base deck.