Holy Symbols Batman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheDwellingDumbass · 7

This is a fairly typical Father Mateo symbol deck. I played this in EOTE which is why I have open gate. A lot of this deck is fairly straightforward. Olive McBride to pick more tokens and with half of the deck (Ritual Candles,Sixth Sense,Jewel of Aureolus,Blessing of Isis,Voice of Ra,Ward of Radiance) centered around symbols picking more tokens is mostly profitable. Arcane Initiate can dig out those open gates along with your other spells. Four of Cups to boost . Holy Rosary not only boosts but also adds tokens. Sacred Covenant is the real magic here as it keeps the tokens in then bag. Again ultimately very straightforward symbol mystic build.