Vincent's Medical Mystery

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Saving628496 · 36

This flexible Vincent deck is all about supporting and doctoring up other investigators. No one to heal? That's fine gather evidence with you Dissection Tools so you can swing a bit harder with your Bonesaw. Or take Notes to make Bizarre Diagnoses and Captivating Discoveries. As a doctor, use your knowledge of the Grisly to help yourself or others pass skill tests they really shouldn't be able to. After all, doctoring is all about making the impossible, possible.

Once you get a little more experience, invest in a Surgical Kit and your own copy of Gray's Anatomy. From there its all about upgrading your totems and deductions and maybe finding room for a couple Surprises.

If you take this deck through a longer campaign than Night of the Zealot, some additional upgrades to look at are Higher Education as Dr. Milan Christopher and your upgraded totems can keep you rich in cards and resources. Or opt for Whitton Greene to double down on searching your deck.