Cursemani Jones: Dream a Little Dream

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DLloyd09 · 60


My disclaimer is that I'm not a top-tier deck-builder by any means, but I still like to share these from time to time, as I've had some great Arkham games using decks made by others, so I want to share when things so fairly well! :)


Paired with a slightly more bless-driven Kōhaku Narukami, this Kymani flex (leaning a tad more on enemy management) deck survived the dreaming side of a Dream-Eaters campaign to great effect on standard. Their rig was all about getting (mostly ) tokens into the bag to enable Kōhaku to take four actions on most turns (and taking advantage of those tokens, too, when they could).

Kymani used their 5 starting XP to include:

Mulligan and Play

In terms of the mulligan, Kymani was a flex so I was hoping to find: (1) either the British Bull Dog or the Thieves' Kit (both is amazing, obviously), and (2) the Scrimshaw Charm so I could help throw s in the bag fast (and get paid for it!).

Bull Dog is nice because Kymani's is obviously their best stat, so take advantage of it. Extra bonus on the upgrade to ignore aloof when attacking. The is basically never going to happen in TDE though, but in other campaigns can be huge for saving some money.

After firing one Bull Dog shot, with most enemies you have a pretty easy chance to dispatch with them entirely on a future turn (or one of your extra Blur actions) with Kymani's ability. In TDE this ability can be very strong, as a whole swarm can go in one shot. The downside here though is that besides swarms, a lot of enemies are worth Victory, and "discarding" them isn't "defeating" them. Meh.

Thieves Kit isn't exactly the fastest way to gain clues either, but they were a flex, so that's the tradeoff. Kōhaku similarly split his spells up (and used Armageddon, but not Eye of Chaos, and all those tokens made for a real easy time firing off the upgraded Read the Signs and Spectral Razor).

High Points:

  • Hit and Run your Priest of Two Faiths to get three extra in the bag with no downside. Kōhaku loves you for this.
  • A great play of Intel Report completely eviscerated a particular location in Dark Side of the Moon. This was delightful, as a chase was on...
  • This build overall just felt really versatile. I almost always felt like there was something good to do, and do it at a fairly decent level.


  • Ríastrad was a mistake that I was trying to make work with the package. Kymani's is too low to make good use of it. Should have just kept that other Sneak Attack in there.
  • Grappling Hook is boring. Just commit it to a test.
  • Overpower should have been Manual Dexterity for incredibly obvious reasons.


My upgrade path is included here. Other than the aforementioned Ríastrad, I'm not unhappy with these choices. The "complete" package would have gotten the other Pilfer upgraded and, in theory, another Ríastrad, but I otherwise almost got to where I intended to go!