Kate Withdrop clues

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nightroar · 439

What's the most important part about a clue-dropping deck? Drop clues! Daisy has her free on Research Notes but has nothing to do with this goal, parallel Rex can place more clue by his ability but has limits. Who drop the most, unlimited clue? The answer is Kate, who drops clue by her Forced ability whenever her assets leaves play.

Now let's have some tools and science assets that are easier to leave play. Level1 Magnifying Glass is obvious the best choice, Flashlight and Ice Pick are cheap and expendable, Laboratory Assistant and Medical Student are free to go after their enter-play ability triggers.

You want to:

  1. get two copies of Research Notes out fast with the help of The Raven Quill (Supernatural Record).
  2. get some initial clue use Flashlight, Art Student, Drawn to the Flame.
  3. At a location with no clues, play Magnifying Glass, move a clue to it, investigate, during which return it to your hand and drop the clue for 2 evidence, and you get your clue back when you succeed. You can do this for up to 3 times per turn (4 with Press Pass), and you can stay at this location for as long as you want.
  4. Go and spent your evidence at another location to actually get clues, after its empty, you can repeat step 3.

Yes, It's not the most efficient way to get clues, Rex can get 2 clue per action without setup before his taboo, but who doesn't like taking Notes.