Agatha Crane abuses insight events

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tsumiki12 · 7

Use Rod of Carnamagos to Counter the Glimpse the Void

For every scenario,Hard mulligan for At a CrossroadsPremonitionDeep KnowledgeDream-Enhancing Serum

Use Premonition to active your Abilty,then play Deep Knowledge twice to draw ton of Cards

After the first scenario,upgrade 2xShed a LightUnearth the Ancients,then Unearth the Magnifying Glass to play both copies of Shed a Light to take tons of clues(with Deduction)

Don't Forget to remove Burning the Midnight Oil for extra sources/investigates

Enjoy <3