The "Skids" O'Toole sessions

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

marmalade87 · 10

Never tried skids before now so this ought to be interesting.

I'm thinking cards like Lupara and Cheat Death and Lockpicks will be some of the first upgrades I look at.

To be run as part of a 2player campaign with Akachi Onyele or Daisy Walker.

Pointers would be appreciated


Apr 24, 2018 der_zeba · 1

Nice deck, I really like Skids. I played something similar and his low willpower was really annoying. I think two Guts are mandatory in his deck as well as other way to pump this skill (for example Physical Training instead of Hard Knocks). Maybe you could upgrade to Police Badge first, which also grants more . I would also change Daring Maneuver (which combos only with the .41 Derringer) with Elusive, for even more mobility. And from my experince, he really needs money. So I would upgrade to Hot Streak as soon as possible.

Apr 24, 2018 marmalade87 · 10

Yeah I was thinking similar with Elusive (dropping think on your feet) and Physical training (dropping hard knocks), so i've made those changes along with cutting 45 automatic for Machete. I like Daring Maneuver as it works with several things. Watch This, Derringer, Lockpicks and much more in Rogue going forward. Granted early campaign it may have limited use though. Hot streak is definitely on my radar. Trying to squeeze in a Flashlight or two to upgrade into Lockpicks.

Police Badge is interesting, it might be a switch out from Leo... trying to remain the prime damage dealer in this setup. In a game with more players I'd happily switch out Beat Cop.