Name Class C. Type Icons Traits Set Encounter
"Wolf-Man" Drew: The Cannibal Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Core Set 137 Cult of Umôrdhoth 1
Agent of the King Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. The Path to Carcosa 99 Cult of the Yellow Sign 4
Alma Hill: The Inquisitive Historian Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Return to the Night of the Zealot 46 Return Cult of Umôrdhoth 3
Amaranth: Lurking Corruption Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 37 Dead Heat 18
Anette Mason: The High Priestess Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Witch. Elite. The Circle Undone 57 The Witching Hour 8
Apex Strangleweed Mythos Enemy Creature. Flora. Heart of the Elders 219 Pillars of Judgment 7-8
Apocalyptic Presage Mythos Enemy Monster. Outsider. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 232 Outsiders 4
Apostle of Dagon Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Hybrid. Cultist. The Lair of Dagon 293 The Lair of Dagon 20
Atlach-Nacha: The Spider God Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Spider. Elite. Weaver of the Cosmos 346 Weaver of the Cosmos 23
Avery Claypool: Antarctic Guide Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 39 Lost in the Night 17
Beast of Aldebaran Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. The Path to Carcosa 88 Inhabitants of Carcosa 1
Beings of Ib Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. The Search for Kadath 148 The Search for Kadath 30
Billy Cooper: The Crooked Cop Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Return to the Night of the Zealot 45 Return Cult of Umôrdhoth 2
Brood of Yog-Sothoth Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Undimensioned and Unseen 255 Undimensioned and Unseen 23-27
Brood of Yog-Sothoth: Charging Beast Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 42 Return to Undimensioned and Unseen 2
Brood of Yog-Sothoth: Swelling Devourer Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 43 Return to Undimensioned and Unseen 3
Brood of Yog-Sothoth: Thrashing Spawn Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 44 Return to Undimensioned and Unseen 4
Brood of Yog-Sothoth: Amorphous Terror Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 45 Return to Undimensioned and Unseen 5
Brood Queen: Dying Mother Mythos Enemy Creature. Insect. Mutated. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 65 The Silent Heath 23
Cats of Ulthar Mythos Enemy Creature. Elite. The Search for Kadath 145 The Search for Kadath 27
Clover Club Pit Boss Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Criminal. Elite. The Dunwich Legacy 78 The House Always Wins 17
Corpse-Hungry Ghoul Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Ghoul. Return to the Night of the Zealot 22 Return to the Gathering 12
Crazed Shoggoth Mythos Enemy Monster. Shoggoth. Where Doom Awaits 295 Where Doom Awaits 23
Crystal Parasite Mythos Enemy Monster. Insect. Blight. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 221 Horrors in the Rock 7-8
Dagon: Awakened and Enraged Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. The Lair of Dagon 292 The Lair of Dagon 19
Danforth: Brilliant Student Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 36 Lost in the Night 14
Daniel Chesterfield: …Or At Least, What's Left of Him Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. The Unspeakable Oath 182 The Unspeakable Oath 24
Dark Young Host Mythos Enemy Monster. Dark Young. Curse of the Rougarou 33 Curse of the Rougarou 8
Desiderio Delgado Álvarez: The Man in the Blood-Soaked Suit Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 106 Dancing Mad 16
Desiderio Delgado Álvarez: The Man in the Blood-Soaked Suit Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 107 Dancing Mad 17
Dhole of the Wastes Mythos Enemy Monster. Where the Gods Dwell 312 Where the Gods Dwell 27
Dianne Devine: Knows What You're Up To Mythos Enemy Monster. Cultist. Possessed. Elite. Return to the Path to Carcosa 23 Return to The Last King 3
Dimensional Shambler Mythos Enemy Monster. Extradimensional. Elite. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 35 Dark Rituals 2
Dimensional Shambler: Hunter from Beyond Mythos Enemy Monster. Extradimensional. Elite. Fortune and Folly 48 Plan in Shambles 1
Don Lagorio: Secret Servant Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Servitor. Elite. Carnevale of Horrors 17 Carnevale of Horrors 17
Dr. Amy Kensler: Professor of Biology Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 41 Lost in the Night 19
Dr. Layla El Masri: Hieratic Translator Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Brotherhood. Guardians of the Abyss 31 Brotherhood of the Beast 1
Dr. Mala Sinha: Daring Physician Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 38 Lost in the Night 16
Dr. Wentworth Moore: Dark Supplicant Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Brotherhood. Guardians of the Abyss 32 Brotherhood of the Beast 2
Droning Horde Mythos Enemy Monster. Insect. Servitor. Elite. War of the Outer Gods 48 Swarm of Assimilation 3
Eater of the Depths Mythos Enemy Monster. The Depths of Yoth 298 The Depths of Yoth 24
Eixodolon: Your Anguish Is My Power Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Servitor. Elite. The Labyrinths of Lunacy 48 The Labyrinths of Lunacy 24
Eixodolon's Pet: You Are Not Its First Victim, Or Its Last Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. The Labyrinths of Lunacy 49 Epic Multiplayer 16
Eixodolon's Pet: You Are Not Its First Victim, Or Its Last Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. The Labyrinths of Lunacy 50 Single Group 10
Elisabetta Magro: High Servant of the Order Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Lodge. Elite. Carnevale of Horrors 18 Carnevale of Horrors 18
Eliyah Ashevak: Dog Handler Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 37 Lost in the Night 15
Emergent Monstrosity Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. The Essex County Express 183 The Essex County Express 35-36
Emissary from Yuggoth Mythos Enemy Monster. Yuggoth. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 239 Agents of Yuggoth 1
Ezel-zen-rezl: The Lord of Swarms Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. War of the Outer Gods 47 Swarm of Assimilation 2
Farid: Seedy Salesman Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Brotherhood. Guardians of the Abyss 34 Brotherhood of the Beast 4
Flesh-Eater Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Ghoul. Core Set 118 The Gathering 15
Formless Spawn: From the Abyss Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Elite. Shattered Aeons 337 Shattered Aeons 24
Ghoul from the Depths Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Ghoul. Return to the Night of the Zealot 23 Return to the Gathering 13
Ghoul Priest Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Ghoul. Elite. Core Set 116 The Gathering 13
Grey Weaver Mythos Enemy Monster. Spider. The Dream-Eaters 84 Agents of Atlach-Nacha 1-2
Gug Sentinel Mythos Enemy Monster. Gug. Point of No Return 267 Point of No Return 21
Herman Collins: The Undertaker Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Core Set 138 Cult of Umôrdhoth 2
High Priest Not to Be Described: Agent of the Other Gods Mythos Enemy Monster. Cultist. Avatar. Elite. Where the Gods Dwell 311 Where the Gods Dwell 26
Horde of Night Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. The Search for Kadath 147 The Search for Kadath 29
Host of Insanity Mythos Enemy Avatar. Elite. Return to the Path to Carcosa 37 Return to The Unspeakable Oath 4
Hotel Manager: Let the Feast Begin Mythos Enemy Monster. Staff. Elite. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 32 Excelsior Management 2
Ichtaca: Keeper of the Eztli Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Eztli. Elite. The Forgotten Age 52 The Untamed Wilds 10
Icy Ghoul Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Ghoul. Core Set 119 The Gathering 16
Innsmouth Shoggoth Mythos Enemy Monster. Shoggoth. Elite. In Too Deep 144 In Too Deep 22
James "Cookie" Fredericks: Dubious Choice Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 40 Lost in the Night 18
Jeremiah Pierce: Your Next-Door Neighbor Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Return to the Night of the Zealot 44 Return Cult of Umôrdhoth 1
Khalid: Beloved Companion Mythos Enemy Creature. Risen. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 41 Dead Heat 26
La Chica Roja: The Girl in the Carmine Coat Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 57 Sanguine Shadows 13
Laboring Gug Mythos Enemy Monster. Gug. The Dream-Eaters 60 Beyond the Gates of Sleep 22
Legs of Atlach-Nacha Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Spider. Elite. Weaver of the Cosmos 347 Weaver of the Cosmos 24
Legs of Atlach-Nacha Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Spider. Elite. Weaver of the Cosmos 348 Weaver of the Cosmos 25
Legs of Atlach-Nacha Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Spider. Elite. Weaver of the Cosmos 349 Weaver of the Cosmos 26
Legs of Atlach-Nacha Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Spider. Elite. Weaver of the Cosmos 350 Weaver of the Cosmos 27
Limulus Hybrid [day]: In the Light Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 83 The Lost Sister 17
Lloigor Mythos Enemy Monster. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 86 Agents of Hydra 1
Lodge Enforcer Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Silver Twilight. In the Clutches of Chaos 309 Secrets of the Universe 5-6
Magh'an Ark'at: The Child of Paradise Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Mutated. Elite. War of the Outer Gods 41 Children of Paradise 2
Many-Angled Thing Mythos Enemy Monster. Extradimensional. Tindalos. Elite. Machinations Through Time 46 Machinations Through Time 50
Mi-Go Abductor Mythos Enemy Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything 36 Mi-Go Incursion 18
Mi-Go Destroyer Mythos Enemy Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE! 13 Mi-Go Incursion II 3
Mi-Go Harvester Mythos Enemy Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything 34 Mi-Go Incursion 16
Mi-Go Meddler Mythos Enemy Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything 35 Mi-Go Incursion 17
Mi-Go Researcher Mythos Enemy Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE! 18 Mi-Go Incursion II 8-9
Mi-Go Scientist Mythos Enemy Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. The Blob That Ate Everything ELSE! 15 Mi-Go Incursion II 5
Moon Lizard Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. Dark Side of the Moon 226 Dark Side of the Moon 21
Moon-Beast Mythos Enemy Monster. Servitor. Dark Side of the Moon 229 Dark Side of the Moon 27-28
Mr. Trombly: Maddened Concierge Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Staff. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 20 Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 22
Nadia Nimr: Priestess of the Beast Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Brotherhood. Guardians of the Abyss 33 Brotherhood of the Beast 3
Nassor: Brotherhood Operative Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Brotherhood. Guardians of the Abyss 35 Brotherhood of the Beast 5
Nathan Wick: Master of Initiation Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Silver Twilight. Elite. For the Greater Good 217 For the Greater Good 21
Neith: Harbinger of the Abyss Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Brotherhood. Elite. Guardians of the Abyss 13 The Eternal Slumber 13
Nether Mist Mythos Enemy Monster. Spectral. The Circle Undone 100 Spectral Predators 1
Nyarlathotep: The Crawling Chaos Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. Where the Gods Dwell 306 Where the Gods Dwell 21
Nyarlathotep: The Faceless Whisperer Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. Where the Gods Dwell 307 Where the Gods Dwell 22
Nyarlathotep: Messenger of the Outer Gods Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. Where the Gods Dwell 308 Where the Gods Dwell 23
Nyarlathotep: God of a Thousand Forms Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. Where the Gods Dwell 309 Where the Gods Dwell 24
Nyarlathotep: Stalker Among the Stars Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. Where the Gods Dwell 310 Where the Gods Dwell 25
Oceiros Marsh: Keeper of the Lighthouse Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Deep One. Hybrid. Elite. A Light in the Fog 253 A Light in the Fog 23
Oozewraith Mythos Enemy Monster. Ooze. Manifold. The Blob That Ate Everything 42 The Blob That Ate Everything 28-29
Otherworldly Meddler: Presence from Beyond the Stars Mythos Enemy Monster. Mi-Go. Elite. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 29 Alien Interference 2
Padma Amrita: Cold-Blooded Charmer Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Serpent. Servitor. Elite. The Boundary Beyond 186 The Boundary Beyond 26
Peter Warren: The Occult Professor Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Core Set 139 Cult of Umôrdhoth 3
Piper of Azathoth Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. The Circle Undone 88 Agents of Azathoth 1
Possessed Oathspeaker: A Damnable Fate Mythos Enemy Monster. Servitor. Elite. Echoes of the Past 140 Echoes of the Past 21
Professor Nathaniel Taylor: Keeper of Antiquities Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Brotherhood. Guardians of the Abyss 36 Brotherhood of the Beast 6
Professor William Dyer: Professor of Geology Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 35 Lost in the Night 13
Protoplasmic Reassembler Mythos Enemy Monster. Outsider. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 191 Without a Trace 11
Rampaging Shoggoth Mythos Enemy Monster. Shoggoth. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 211 Shoggoths 3
Ravenous Spirit: Possessed Mythos Enemy Monster. Geist. Spectral. Elite. Laid to Rest 58 Laid to Rest 5-8
Relentless Dark Young Mythos Enemy Monster. Dark Young. Core Set 179 Agents of Shub-Niggurath 1
Roald Ellsworth: Intrepid Explorer Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 42 Lost in the Night 20
Royal Emissary: Messenger from Aldebaran Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. The Path to Carcosa 60 Curtain Call 20
Ruth Turner: The Mortician Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Core Set 141 Cult of Umôrdhoth 5
Salvatore Neri: Master of Illusions Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Sorcerer. Elite. Carnevale of Horrors 19 Carnevale of Horrors 19
Savio Corvi: Dark Lurker Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Elite. Carnevale of Horrors 20 Carnevale of Horrors 20
Screeching Byakhee Mythos Enemy Monster. Byakhee. Core Set 175 Agents of Hastur 1-2
Serpent from Yoth Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Serpent. The Forgotten Age 84 Agents of Yig 4
Serpent of Tenochtitlán Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Serpent. The Boundary Beyond 187 The Boundary Beyond 27
Servant of the Lurker Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. The Dunwich Legacy 104 Hideous Abominations 3
Seth Bishop: Sorcerer of Dunwich Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Sorcerer. Elite. Where Doom Awaits 293 Where Doom Awaits 20
Seth Bishop: Thrall of Yog-Sothoth Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Monster. Abomination. Elite. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 56 Return to Lost in Time and Space 4
Silas Bishop: Infused With Evil Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Elite. Blood on the Altar 216 Blood On The Altar 22
Silenus: The Empty Sky Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Elite. War of the Outer Gods 35 Death of Stars 2
Siobhan Riley: O'Bannion Enforcer Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Criminal. Elite. All or Nothing 15 All or Nothing 5
Slithering Dhole Mythos Enemy Monster. Dhole. Elite. Point of No Return 271 Terror of the Vale 1
Stalking Manticore Mythos Enemy Creature. Monster. Elite. The Search for Kadath 146 The Search for Kadath 28
Subterranean Beast Mythos Enemy Abomination. Mutated. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 17 Written in Rock 24
Summoned Beast: Guardian of the Trap Mythos Enemy Monster. Silver Twilight. Elite. For the Greater Good 220 For the Greater Good 24
Takada Hiroko: Aeroplane Mechanic Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Possessed. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 43 Lost in the Night 21
Terror of the Stars: Bringer of Ice and Death Mythos Enemy Monster. Eidolon. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 22 The Crash 5
Terror of the Stars: Guardian of Forbidden Peaks Mythos Enemy Monster. Eidolon. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 108 To the Forbidden Peaks 13
Terror of the Stars: Bane of the Elder Things Mythos Enemy Monster. Eidolon. Elite. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 141 City of the Elder Things 27
The Beast in a Cowl of Crimson: Ravager in Red Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 155 Dogs of War 24
The Claret Knight: Coterie Kingpin Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 154 Dogs of War 23
The Crawling Mist Mythos Enemy Monster. Avatar. The Dream-Eaters 86 Agents of Nyarlathotep 1
The Experiment: Something Went Terribly Wrong Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Elite. The Dunwich Legacy 58 Extracurricular Activity 18
The Inescapable Maw: Servant of Silenus Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Servitor. Elite. War of the Outer Gods 36 Death of Stars 3
The Jailor Mythos Enemy Monster. Elite. The Labyrinths of Lunacy 51 Epic Multiplayer 17
The Red-Gloved Man: Shrouded in Mystery Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 18 Riddles and Rain 18
The Sanguine Watcher: With the Ruby Spectacles Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Coterie. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 63 Sanguine Shadows 23
Thing in the Depths: Rising from the Deep Mythos Enemy Abomination. Flora. Mutated. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 100 The Thing in the Depths 16
Umbral Harbinger Mythos Enemy Monster. Yuggoth. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 85 Dealings in the Dark 20
Unsealed Phantasm Mythos Enemy Monster. Eidolon. Shoggoth. Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion 180 Stirring in the Deep 24-25
Ursine Hybrid: Starving Abomination Mythos Enemy Creature. Monster. Mutated. Elite. The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion 143 The Longest Night 18
Vassal of the Lurker Mythos Enemy Monster. Abomination. Return to the Dunwich Legacy 71 Yog-Sothoth's Emissaries 1-2
Vengeful Specter: The First Victim Mythos Enemy Monster. Geist. Elite. Murder at the Excelsior Hotel 41 Sins of the Past 2
Victoria Devereux: The Collector Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Cultist. Core Set 140 Cult of Umôrdhoth 4
Vile Broodmaster: Grotesque Abomination Mythos Enemy Monster. Servitor. Mutated. Elite. War of the Outer Gods 42 Children of Paradise 3
Void Chimera: True Form Mythos Enemy Monster. Outsider. Elite. The Scarlet Keys Campaign Expansion 126 On Thin Ice 18
Winged One Mythos Enemy Creature. Monster. The Innsmouth Conspiracy 94 Fog over Innsmouth 1
Witness of Chaos Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Witch. In the Clutches of Chaos 311 Music of the Damned 5-6
Wizard of Yog-Sothoth Mythos Enemy Humanoid. Sorcerer. The Dunwich Legacy 87 Bishop's Thralls 6
Yig: The Father of Serpents Mythos Enemy Ancient One. Serpent. Elite. The Depths of Yoth 296 The Depths of Yoth 20
Yithian Observer Mythos Enemy Monster. Yithian. Core Set 177 Agents of Yog-Sothoth 1-2