
Favor. Blessed.

Cost: X. XP: 5.


Fast. Play after 1 or more tokens are revealed during a skill test at your location.

Search your bonded cards for Evanescent Ascension and put it into play. Place up to X resources on it, as wishes (to a maximum of the number of tokens revealed). Remove Miracle Wish from the game.

Adam S. Doyle
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #38.
Miracle Wish


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No. Its NOT an ultimate producer. It's a 5 EXP Lucky+ and one of the most hard using 5exp cards ever, evenly matched with Flurry of Blows .

Most investigator have an of +2, with a little bit cards, resources or other bonus. So if you play miracle wish with just 1 token, its effect now reads "1c. Fast. after an an investigator at your location would fail a skill test: they get about +2 skill value and a personal bonus." The more it draws, the more copy of Lucky you got. It cant save your ass unless you are running standard difficulty. is also unchangeable.

You probably want bring Evanescent Ascension into play with multiple wishes, cause Miracle Wish its an disposable card. So you want multiple token revealed in a single test, to do so, you need cards too catch it, or being lucky enough. Then you need to pay the X price. Its quite expensive when you were a guardian (If your bless deck seals in Rite of Sanctification to get resources, its more harder to get more bless tokens form the bag).

So who probably want to use it? OH OF COURSE, Father Mateo! He got an automatically succeed, but wait! How the hell they only give him Bless cards 0-3??!! Or, Kohaku and Mary? Maybe their +1 can change something...Nah. To me, seems that Carson Sinclair with a bless theme deck is the only reasonable choice. Once you give your teammate an , you can trigger your own to draw 1 card. Now it became a 5 EXP Lucky(2)+ ! Thank you FFG janitor.

OnThinIce · 26
Thank you for using my term "FFG janitor". It cannot be anything else, because nobody sane would put this and Flurry of Blows to cost 5xp. Guardians are already the weakest class of them all, so he's gotta be the one to blame — Blood&gore · 435
Compared to seal of the elder sign it seems ok in terms of xp for the effect. You trade the secure token pull for the ability to use the card more often. Nevertheless only use it if you have a good elder sign effect. — Tharzax · 1
I have to disagree you Tharzax, seal of elder sign is way better than this. One auto success is better than many Luckys. It gives you a sure win in any important or deadly test, a sure success point for crystal pendulum. Once you decide to use it, you basically dont need any other cards or resources input. None of this can MW do. — OnThinIce · 26
You know when I read Evanescent Ascension I just automatically assumed that the elder sign replaced all other revealed tokens — OrionAnderson · 92
I suppose you can abuse this with Rod of Carnamagos, but Carson can't use it. I agree that the best user for Miracle wish should be Carson. — joster · 40
This would be Father Mateo's new signature card if not for Bless 0-3 limitation. What a shame! — liwl0115 · 41

TLDR: If you're running Kohaku, || Wendy, or || Father Mateo, this may be worth considering if you have enough teammates with reasonably powerful Elder Signs. Teammates that synergize especially well are: Charlie Kane, Standard Father Mateo, Silas Marsh, Standard Wendy Adams, and William Yorick.

Under the right conditions, this card effectively grants you 3+ copies of slightly weaker Lucky! (3)'s (trading +1 & draw for other benefits) for 5xp which is pretty good. But in order to achieve that, your team composition needs to be built around this card which significantly limits its general playability.

|| Father Mateo would be the best enabler with Kohaku & || Wendy as the next best as these 3 can enable getting 3+ wishes consistently (Draw a bless, Favor of the Sun, & their ability/signature items).

The following investigators work well with Miracle Wish.

  • Survivor:

    • "Ashcan" Pete - +2, readies Duke.
    • Rita Young - +2, opens up her ability.
    • Silas Marsh - Likely a +2/+3, skill recursion.
    • Wendy Adams - Easy to fulfill auto-success.
    • William Yorick - +2, unrestricted recursion.
  • Guardian:

    • Leo Anderson - +2, an ally tutor effect.
    • Tommy Muldoon - +2, damage/horror transfer.
  • Rogue:

    • Alessandra Zorzi - +2, a free auto-evade.
    • Preston Fairmont - Easy to fulfill auto-success (unless you're Broke Preston).
    • Sefina Rousseau - +3, pseudo draw 1.
    • "Skids" O'Toole - +2, gain 2 resources.
    • Tony Morgan - +2, gain 1 bounty.
    • Trish Scarborough - +2, conditionally useful effect (remote investigation).
  • Mystic:

    • Amina Zidane - +2, doom transfer shenanigans.
    • Dexter Drake - +2, ability to bounce an asset and draw 1.
    • Diana Stanley - +2, pseudo draw 1.
    • Father Mateo - Auto-success w/ bonuses.
    • Lily Chen - +2, flip a Broken discipline.
  • Seeker:

    • Amanda Sharpe - +2~+4 depending on her card.
    • Rex Murphy - +2, can auto-fail to draw 3 cards.
  • Neutral:

    • Charlie Kane - +3, ready an ally.
    • Lola Hayes - +2, lets you switch roles.
    • Subject 5U-21 - +2, lets you return a devoured card.

The following Elder Signs only grant +1, but have either guaranteed effects or an especially powerful effect (Nathaniel Cho):

  • Carolyn Fern - Let's you heal 1 horror from an investigator or ally.
  • Daniela Reyes - Conditional auto-success.
  • Darrel Simmons - Grants an evidence.
  • Joe Diamond - Lets you add back a card to your Hunch deck.
  • Kymani Jones - Conditional auto-success.
  • Luke Robinson - Gets a charge back on Gate Box.
  • Marie Lambeau - Better doom manipulation than Amina's IMO.
  • Nathaniel Cho - Event recursion on a successful fight. Incredibly strong, but can be difficult to proc with Miracle Wish.
  • Patrice Hathaway - Lets you shuffle her discard back into her deck.
  • Ursula Downs - Let's you move.
  • Vincent Lee - Let's you heal 1 damage from an investigator or ally.
gByakko · 4
Love this analysis. Keep it up! :) — MrGoldbee · 1473
I appreciate the sentiment! — gByakko · 4

Yes it's a weak card, but new ||Father Mateo with a help of advanced The Codex of Ages and Favor of the Sun can make it into two or three extra actions, and if you are playing parallel front you can even score 4 wishes, but then the payback isn't so great. Downside of this is the fact that parallel back doesn't get you 5xp which is I think much better. I would see it in a blessed team where Sis Mary takes Miracle Wish and Favor of the Sun and regular Father Mateo has advanced Codex of Ages which can get her an extra and then she can provide him the . Ultra niche but at least seems fun.

Drostt · 134

OOooo golly, get ready for some shenanigans with Kōhaku Narukami paired with Transfiguration, as he transforms into Father Mateo with his Book of Living Myths. This will FINALLY allow us to receive the sweet joy of the automatic success along, all the while allowing us to pull more tokens to give us more wishes.

Sengy · 2
Curious how "Kōhaku Narukami deck only" works when you aren't Narukami! — MrGoldbee · 1473
excactly the same as if you were a yithian — Adny · 1