Agnes Baked not Fried

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

veneretio · 346

My Agnes deck played with a Jenny partner from Dunwich till Where Doom Awaits.


Jun 14, 2017 veneretio · 346

This deck started as a brew and evolved over the course of my Standard leve Dunwich Legacy campaign. It's probably fairly noticeable that it was half way through that we got a 2nd core so certain cards like Drawn to the Flame aren't doubled up when the really should be.

Overall: I wish I'd have had Delve Too Deep from the start. You can afford to spend an action early on in the campaign in numerous situations. The return would have been huge.

Ritual Candles was pretty uninspiring to begin with, but gets a lot better as the campaign progresses. I had 2 at the beginning. I think 1 is the right number though. I wouldn't run 0.

Lucky! and its upgraded version were pretty underwhelming. You spend so much time with Agnes either having the cards to utilise your Willpower... or looking for them. And when you have your Shrivelling and Rite of Seeking going.... you don't need the help. Grotesque Statue comes into play for the few situations that Lucky! might have helped.

"Look what I found!" just wasn't as good as Drawn to the Flame and as previously mentioned... should have been a two-of. "Look what I found!" would have been an easy cut.

Blood Pact is amazing in conjunction with Moonlight Ritual. And really made me wish I'd have found room for a Fire Axe.

Fearless would have been upgraded instead of other cards in order to better abuse Agnes' amazing Reaction trigger. I'd even go so far as to consider Moment of Respite.

Leather Coat was solid. I'd never want 2 though. Arcane Studies is unnecessary.

Ward of Protection was amazing.

Holy Rosary should have been a two-of instead of Rabbit's Foot. (which was fine, but you simply want that slot for Holy Rosary more and you don't want the Rabbit's Foot enough to pay the 3 XP to have room for both.

Peter Sylvestre is your best friend, lover, the only man you should allow in your life. Especially once you've upgraded him.

Ultimately, I love the playstyle of Mystics. I'll be spending the next campaign with a different class, but I have a feeling I'll find myself coming back to not just Mystics, but specifically Agnes again. To try to get it right (rite?) you could say.