Zoey Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gibby290 · 14

Hi guys. My first Zoey deck I plan to play true solo.

In terms of upgrades:

  1. 2x Enchanted Blade -> Timeworn Brand
  2. 2x Beat Cop -> Brother Xavier
  3. 2x Overpower->
  4. 2x Vicious Blow -> Vicious Blow
  5. Survival Knife -> Ace of Swords

May 02, 2020 LaRoix · 1643

Interesting deck. I just finished a Zoey run through Dunwich and am making some adjustments before I post it. This strategy you've got seems more focused on area control. Sixth Sense and Intel Report seem to be the center points for it. On the Hunt, Scene of the Crime, and Evidence! create a good flow for ensuring there are enemies to gain both clues and resources. While you're doing that, Survival Knife lets you get a lot accomplished by taking down enemies and getting clues during the enemy phase.

The one card that doesn't make too much sense to me is Something Worth Fighting For simply because I was under the impression this is a solo deck, is it not? If it is meant to run 2 handed, then I might ask who the counterpart character is meant to be?

Nice deck overall!

May 03, 2020 gibby290 · 14

@LaRoixThanks! I've loved running it. The Something Worth Fighting For is a place holder for I've had worse later on.