The EXPERTise of Tony Morgan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ambiryan13 · 177

Another great dreamer!

Everyone seems to dislike Colt Vest Pocket, I happen to love it with Tony.

Get "Eat lead!" and a Narrow Escape, and you're fine. An obvious choice here is - Sleight of Hand as well.

This guy is who Skids wishes to be! He gets the cards with the best quotes. "Let God sort them out..." Both his Quarry and a Guardian of the Crystallizer.

He gets plenty of action going.

As for upgrades:

  1. Get him a Moment of Respite (Say Your Prayers)
  2. Lola Santiago (Fine Clothes)
  3. Haste and Borrowed Time ("Let God sort them out..." and Narrow Escape)
  4. Sawed-Off Shotgun for dessert (Colt Vest Pocket)!
