Standalone Roland!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Uncle George the Farmer · 43285

This is a 9xp Roland for standalone gameplay. In standalone scenarios Roland has already an advantage that his weakness doesnt hurt you. So you only have to deal with your basic Weakness which is a huge boost from the begining.

Let's start with th xp choices.

Elder Sign Amulet: With his 5 horror points is actually vulnerable to some treacheries plus we dont play any healing card from Guardian aspect. Amulet boosts him to live a little longer.

Beat Cop: Great upgrade. Are you missing 1 damage to kill that monster and grab that valuable clue from a heavy shroud location? This card will save you many times through the course of the scenario.

Extra Ammunition: While we dont play heavy weapons, to boost Roland's 38 is actually great choice.

Weapons: .45 Automatic and Machete are pretty standard to a Roland's deck so i wont analyze them.

Magnifying Glass over Flashlight cause its fast and costs 1 resourse less. Also its there to stay unlike Flashlight that you remove it after 3 uses.

Allies: Art Student great ally to gather fast and easy clues. Also a sanity body which is great if Elder Sign havent been in your hand. Art Student over Working a Hunch anytime for Roland.

Talents: Hyperawareness and Physical Training their purpose is to avoid that nasty treacheries. In a deck with few skill cards both of these cards are crucials.

Events: Prepared for the Worst searching card, one copy is enough.

Dodge, Emergency Cache and Shortcut are essentials for Roland's deck. No need to explain.

Dynamite Blast:Rougarou trying to escape? Burn that wolf to the ground! Muhahaha

Skills: Inquiring Mind and Unexpected Courage both have ?? so you can play them in any test.

Vicious Blow is the extra tic to push the damage to the elite bosses usually. Keep it for them but if you have a hard time to kill small monsters dont be afraid to use it.


Pros: 1)High damage 2)Easy clue gathering 3)A lot of fast cards so no waste of actions --> better utility. 4) One less weakness!

Cons: 1) high recourse dependance. If you wont have any recourse in mid-game usually you will end-up losing. 2) Low sanity 3) Weakness in agility tests and evade actions.