Molly and Dexter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

perford2004 · 2

~&/ Experience the Exotic Morgana and the Magnificent Drake the Great! \&~

This is a themed deck based primarily on the plot of Blood of Baalshandor. It's very simplistic, but I tried to cover as many bases as possible.

General Tips

-Drake's fantastic willpower was the driving force behind this deck. There's an arcane asset for everything, but your best bet is to keep one slot reserved for Azure Flame or Wither and another reserved for Sixth Sense.

-As you can see, there are a TON of arcane assets here and they'll keep you covered for the investigation phase, but be mindful about your skill icons during any treachery skill tests. You should be fine for any willpower tests, but be prepared to pump anything out for any other challenges. Hard Knocks is here just in case you need it.

-Molly Maxwell can be the key to your success for this deck. While she should not be used to find any of your Spell assets, she can easily bring out Sign Magick in order to load up even more arcane assets. Once that's done, you can use her remaining sanity to find Hard Knocks, Investments, or the Lucky Cigarette Case.

-An ideal opening hand contains Molly Maxwell, Azure Flame or Wither, Investments or Alchemical Transmutation, and Sixth Sense.

-Thematically speaking, there aren't many specific upgrades to choose from. Upgrading any spells to their next level is perfectly fine, and adding Recharge will help maintain those spells.