Seeking Answers in Pain - Zoey Samaras

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
"What's a Paladin?" - Co-op Zoey 18 11 2 1.0
Inspiration for
Seeking Answers in Pain - Zoey Samaras v.2 0 0 0 1.0

piper42 · 2

Building this deck to pair with William Yorick for a Carcosa run. Trying to get around our double 2-book handicap with some clue-finding events and a little Rite of Seeking. Big thanks to UmJammerSully's Whats a Paladin? deck for reminding me about Drawn to the Flame. Also leaning into Zoey's theme and willpower with 2x Holy Rosary for extra resiliency against the encounter deck and a little horror soak. The deck is weak on healing with only If it bleeds... but hoping the soak from allies can carry her through.


May 03, 2021 LivefromBenefitSt · 1049

All things considered, you might do better with Backpack or Backpack (2) over Prepared for the Worst. It won't dig as deep, but it gets more of your gear within reach.

Also, you have a lot of singles. If Rite of Seeking is your mail clue tech, how do you feel about seeing it only every 2-3 scenarios? Similar thoughts for all your singles -- I usually only have them when making up the space for an odd number of signature assets or myriads or something.

I'd recommend skipping the Physical Training. I like the level 4 version a lot (recurring resources are great!), but this deck does not have the economy (and with that cost curve!) to get the level 1 version out and get any real benefit from it.

Have you thought about upgrades? With all your assets, I would think Ever Vigilant would be a natural, with both resource and action economy.

May 04, 2021 piper42 · 2

I don't have Backpack yet but that would help to bring out flashlight and emergency cache in addition to weapons. I went with only 1x RoS because of the resource cost and I have 2x Evidence! and 2x Drawn to the Flame, but I do want to add a second copy of flashlight and have those three be the main clue strategy while RoS will be the splashy "Hey, looks grabbing all he clues this scenario" card if it happens to come up. I haven't been super enamored with Physical Training and its compatriots so thats an easy swap for the second Flashlight. Ensuring adequate weapons capability and managing costs is proving a bit more difficult. Perhaps swapping in 2x Blackjack or Knife for Prepared for the Worst and another of the singles.

As far as upgrades Ever Vigilant is high on the list as well as Stand Together. Going for one of the big guns for extra damage seems obvious. I thought Brother Xavier was looking promising but with only 1x RoS his +1brain isn't as appealing as just upgrading Beat Cop