Yella Clark

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mrehjiwurth · 1

A ridiculous standalone deck I made for the Blob that Ate Everything. Amanda with Take Heart to fail 3 tests (Sometimes 4 with Cryptographic Cipher and 5 with Treachery test you don't mind failing) is very potent for drawing and gaining a lot of resources and cards. Having two in the deck increases the chance greatly of getting one under Ancestral Knowledge which means you can set it up turn 2 if you don't get it in your starting hand. With the already obscene value of Grisly Totem and Dream-Enhancing Serum getting crazy draws Amanda makes it crazier with Perception and Unrelenting so much so I was throwing skills at other investigators tests just to get value before I cycled again through. With Standalone my weaknesses were Your Worst Nightmare, Hypochondria and Obsessive and I just tanked them all so my draws were clean. Honestly hilarious fun if not a bit busted but if you love drawing crazier than Harvey Walters and getting wacky tests then this works wonders.