Silas Marsh, The Mangrove Mariner

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ladislaus · 340

A member of a four-player group of investigators exploring The Innsmouth Conspiracy along with Sister Mary, Amanda Sharpe, and Dexter Drake. In this campaign, Silas functions primarily as an enemy evader (and fighter, in a pinch) and provides skill support to his companions.

Campaign Summary

Scenario 1: The Pit of Despair @ R1 (+3 XP)

Scenario 2: The Vanishing of Elina Harper @ R2 (+3 XP)

Scenario 3: In Too Deep @ R? (+? XP)

Scenario 4: Devil Reef @ R? (+? XP)

Scenario 5: Horror in High Gear @ R? (+? XP)

Scenario 6: A Light in the Fog @ R? (+? XP)

Scenario 7: The Lair of Dagon @ R? (+? XP)

Scenario 8: Into the Maelstrom @ R? (+? XP)

Deck Notes

Consider the following card-specific concepts while playing this deck:

  • In the initial hand (opening draw), the most important card to mulligan for is Sea Change Harpoon (or Meat Cleaver), followed by Drawing Thin, and then any "cantrip" (card drawing) card(s).
  • Playing Grisly Totem (or another support asset) early is important.
  • Peter Sylvestre improves Silas's and mitigates his low sanity score.
  • Due to his low , treacheries are some of Silas's biggest threats. To (somewhat) counter them, Lucky! and Steadfast, should be used.

The cards listed in the Side Deck represent possible card upgrades.


(Listed in potential upgrade order.)