Duplicating Daisy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Malcoto · 3

A daisy walker deck build based around duplicating clues through the research notes.

The premise is that once both research notes are down, any effect to drop clues gives you two evidence... which you can pick back up against 0 shroud using daisy's free action.

The full build requires extra hand slots, so a lot of the early game is figuring out how to get a base number of clues, plus either astral mirror or the tote bag in play, so that the bad necronomicon can't hit you. Realistically, it would probably take until the midgame to assemble all the parts, so a lot of the deck building needed to go towards buffing the early game. Hence: ancestral knowledge, and double studious. The deck can probably tank the extra treacheries, since you end up search for a lot of the card draw, so you can delay them a little. Realistically, through the gates is the only game ending card, since after turn 6-7 you probably cycle twice per turn.

The second necronomicon is probably not a worthwhile investment, but I added it so that I could run both at the same time.

Based off of my practice draws, the first mulligan should focus on grabbing one copy of Sleuth, and ideally astral mirror. If you can grab those two, you should be able to aim to draw through the deck by the end of round 6 with about 8 clues, and most assets played. From there, every two actions is another location cleared as you watch the amount of evidence in your research notes grow.

Cards which were surprisingly bad to grab early were:

Cards which ramp you really fast: