Win the thick of it

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Chillstad · 34

I'll start of saying that this deck is the most fun deck I think I've ever played. It is in my opinion the epitome of the class. High stakes, go hard or go home.

If you play through a campaign with this deck you'll have games where you get all you assets out in the first rounds and just smash everything on your own. While occasionally (especially in the beginning) you shuffled all your essential assets to the bottom of the deck, EVEN AFTER SHUFFLING MULTIPLE TIMES. Well if that happens you'll spend the first cycle scraping by, desperately searching for that elusive Lucky Cigarette Case.

With the addition of 2xp chuck it has all its components at scenario 1 and only goes up from there.

This deck is a cluever flex deck, with enough clue gathering to be the sole cluever in a party of two, or three later in the campaign.

I was asked in the comments why there was a Calling in Favors in the deck when there was just one ally. Until you get your second ally, our dearest Lola Santiago it functions as a skill card with no text.

The main combo in the deck is to get Lucky Cigarette Case and Crystallizer of Dreams in play as quickly as possible. In scenario one that will be a little finicky since we dont have our relic hunter yet, but it is doable and it will only get easier the more XP you get.

Once you have these components you can start playing events, commit two cards to get a card, succeed by two to draw another card then commit the previous event to the next skill check.

Hidden Pocket & "I'll take that!" is needed for the two accessories in scenario one, in later scenarios "I'll take that!" is used as action compression for playing whatever item you need in the moment, most often for free.

Hidden Pocket is a card we'll upgrade out of fairly quick once we get Relic Hunter, possibly into Daredevil so we can get our ability firing with only one card.

Most of the events in this deck wil also function as skill cards for the tests you want to do, which is mainly evading and investigating.

Economy is handled through Thieves' Kit, Lone Wolf and the newly added Stylish Coat for some serious drip.

Remember that the sequence for playing items in the first scenario is kinda strict since Stylish Coat must be played before Hidden Pocket which must be played before which again must be used to play Crystallizer of Dreams or Lucky Cigarette Case. Usually you'll start of the scenario being okay at cluing while cycling your deck the first time to set up your assets. Once you have Lucky Cigarette Case, Chuck Fergus, Crystallizer of Dreams and Lockpicks down your engine will go into overdrive.

The good thing is that due to the abundance of and icons on the events you can pretty quickly cycle your deck to find the pieces you're missing. And again this is only the case for the first scenario.


  1. First priority is Relic Hunter, no ifs no buts. It makes the setup so much easier.

  2. Second is upgrading Lucky Cigarette Case to Lucky Cigarette Case. The reason I value this upgrade so much is because with the amount Wini succeeds by normally, this is a No Stone Unturned for free each round just for doing what you are normally doing. You do need to find it though, but once you do you'll have all the tutoring you'll ever need.

  3. Next I'd upgrade Chuck Fergus followed by a Charisma and switch out Intel Report for Lola Santiago. With that you now are strong enough to smash everything in your way and pay for the rest.

  4. Next comes the pivot point. Now you can upgrade your events to bring them back to hand when you oversucceed. Pilfer and Breaking and Entering is awesome for this type of play. Start your round by playing one of them with Chuck Fergus, then it goes under Crystallizer of Dreams until the end of the turn when it return to your hand, so you have the remaining two actions to use the skill icons on the event you played to do something fun, like evading an enemy, discover the last clue on the location or some other test you're sure to smash.

  5. The rest is up to you. If you want more item tutoring and less money you can switch out Stylish Coat for Backpack (or you can add it insted of "I'll take that!" since you only need the backpack in the beginning for setup and it can fetch stylish coat)

Opening hand priority:

  1. First priority is Lucky Cigarette Case and will remain so for the rest of the campaign. It's basically Winni's second signature card and it's upgraded version is even nuttier in this deck.

  2. Second is Chuck Fergus. He enables a huge part of the "wow" factors of the deck.

  3. I usually was really hurting for a Lockpicks if i didn't get one on the first couple of rounds. It's a clue tool sure, but for Wini it's an enabler for all the "succeed by" nonsense she keeps on doing, which is like 65% why I play this deck.

Everything else I would mulligan to get one or more of the cards above.


Dec 05, 2022 Chucky5 · 1

Whats the calling in favors for? having only one copy of Chuck fergus as an ally on the deck I cant see any use for it

Dec 08, 2022 Chillstad · 34

Yes, calling in favors is there for when you get Lola into the deck. With this deck it's all about getting the key assets out of your deck and into play as soon as possible. Until you have Lola Calling in Favors functions as a intellect/agility skill card and a damage reset for Fergus if you really don't want him in the discard.