William Yorick - Spacegun

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ZachsFisher · 48

One day, on the job, William Yorick unearths a piece of long lost alien technology. To him, it resembles a revolver, or is that just what he wants it to be?

This Will Yorick deck dishes out consistently high damage with a supercharged Hyperphysical Shotcaster. We are hoping for 6 shots at 3 or more damage each and every time we get the Shotcaster into play. We will be applying the "railshooter" and "aetheric link" upgrades to the shotcaster, and bringing along a ton of Upgrade events to add more power to our weapon of choice.

Reliable, Custom Modifications, and Well-Maintained are our upgrades to add in reliability to hit our target and deal damage. The extra damage from "quicksilver bullets" on Custom Modifications requires that we will consistently be able to succeed by 3 or more, but luckily in addition to Reliable and Jessica Hyde, we can boost our attacks with the Shotcaster using Bruiser.

Bruiser is the real workhorse of the deck. They are assets that can be targeted with our investor ability as well, so we can rest easy while discarding cards with Short Supply. Having two Bruisers in play, in addition to boosting our attacks, will completely pay for our Shotcaster when we need to play it.

We have some other nice items as well to find with Will Yorick's ability. Especially Police Badge, which can grant two additional actions, preferably used to kill an enemy and replay Police Badge. We will want to look at grabbing the Badge on most activations of Yorick's ability, as the Shotcaster will hopefully be bouncing itself back into our hand when it discards and interacts with Well-Maintained. Unfortunately Bruiser won't foot the bill for Police Badge, so Schoffner's Catalogue provides some needed economy boost, which we can also grab with our ability if we need more cash. Look to run Police Badge for as much tempo gain as possible, until things get dicy with our sanity, and then simply switch to Cherished Keepsake to be a bit more defensive.

Prepared for the Worst and Tetsuo Mori will help to find weapons early in the game. Fire Axe will do if we need something to attack with in a pinch. However, once we have the Shotcaster and can play Jessica Hyde, forget about Fire Axe and Tetsuo, as we will want her and the space gun to remain in play for the remainder of the scenario.

Finally, Overpower, Daring, and Glory give nice card draw while we are doing what we want to naturally do, so we will hopefully draw back into another Well-Maintained for the Shotcaster.