Dr. Makeshift and Mr. Hide (Parallel "Ashcan" Pete)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

filippo21daniele · 192

Ashcan Solo Deck.

I have problems setting parallel options. The set for this deck is parallel-front + original-back.

Regarding Elite enemies....mmm... time Trappola Improvvisata correctly or run!


Dec 29, 2023 MrMartinWg · 1

The explosive device does not go off if you recur the card with Pete’s ability. They actually answered this on the page for Makeshift Trap. You can still use it for the poison, but it’s slower that way.

Dec 29, 2023 filippo21daniele · 192

Thanks for the comment.

As you suggested, it can be used with poison and increasing the time. This should let you doing your stuff while enemies are trapped in the net.

Do you think the deck remains viable?

Dec 29, 2023 MrMartinWg · 1

Honestly, I am playing Parallel Pete right now, and I think he is a bit too strong with the enemy management. Guitar makes stuff like hiding spot and makeshift trap stupidly powerful. So yes, I think this is completely viable once there’s some xp on makeshift trap. Before that, enemies are a bit tough but not impossible (just my experience with that).

Dec 31, 2023 Dummy Doctor · 1

Very cool deck! Liked and favorited so that I can come back to it again in the future.

I'm curious though—if you're running Crystal Pendulum for Mythos protection, wouldn't Circlet of Eztli be better? Gives broader protection and can draw you a card more reliably, I suspect.

Jan 08, 2024 acotgreave · 834

Great deck.

I'm also playing Parallel Pete in Innsmouth right now. I agree with @MrMartinWg - he does seem OP. We just finished Horror in High Gear and the makeshift trap (with Remote Config and Net) had the enemies held at bay the entire scenario.

We're playing 4 players. The other fighter in the group (Daniela) was kind of frustrated because they barely got to fight anything in the entire scenario.

May 14, 2024 Hitchslapped · 1

I don't think you can include makeshift trap lvl5 with Ashcan's parallel back.