Jenny Dunwich Campaign: Resource-focused Fighter

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

c.alexluke · 7

1st draft of a deck for a 2 player run through Dunwich Legacy.

The goal is to lean into the resource generation aspect in order to buff skills and play more expensive cards as needed.

I have access to revised core set, Dunwich Investigators expansion, and the standalone Investigator expansions (using some from Winifred here). I am still new at this, so I am not using any Taboos.

Upgrade targets:

The side deck shows other cards I was debating adding, including upgrades.

Things I am unsure about:

  • Vicious Blow I just added for additional damage for the fighting focus
  • I was not sure whether I need to add a 2nd Machete
  • Should I add Burglary for additional resource generation?
  • Do I need to add some card draw?
  • Fine Clothes and Double or Nothing just seem fun and add flavor, I think they can be removed if necessary.

Does this deck have enough generation, or enough horror damage mitigation?