Pure fighter William Yorick 0xp to 44xp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GrayV · 7

Pure fighter Yorick with reliable damage.

I got inspiritation for it from different Yorick decks on this site, so all credit for synergies in this deck go to top creators. Take note that this Yorick is very depended on other cluers in his team since exactly zero tools for clue gathering are included in this deck.


  • Knife works as a tutor for a different discarder weapon if things go awry and as a renewable +2 fight +1 dmg source since Yoric can pretty easily return it from discard.
  • Meat Cleaver is a placeholder for Old Hunting Rifle but works well in combination with Knife in your other hand. Don't forget that you can get +2 fight for 1 horror and immediately heal that horror when you kill an enemy.
  • Baseball Bat main melee weapon. It's drawback is it's unreliability which will be compensated with Heavy Furs that can cancel skulls and later on with Eucatastrophe that can cancel a really nasty auto fail.
  • Old Hunting Rifle works similarly to Baseball Bat but provides ranged damage, which is important when you face guys like Conglomeration of Spheres, Avian Thrall or (god forbid) Grasping Ooze.
  • Vicious Blow let's you pack more punch when the large enemies enter play.

All of these weapons work well with the recursion from discard pile and can be paid for from your Schoffner's Catalogue.

Ally slot is ocupied with Guard Dog that will help you survive as well as fight back when you take attacks of opportunity (if something goes awry and you need to play Bandages or another weapon while engaged).

Speaking of Bandages - they, along with Cherished Keepsake will provide cheap soak for you and in case of Bandages for your buddies (including Guard Dog so the pup can trash even more creepy tentacles that try to grab you). Later on Cherished Keepsake will be replaced with Plucky which will also buff your will and help you deal with treacheries a little better. To keep Plucky alive remember that you can assign non direct damage to Guard Dog first, but don't be sad if it goes since you can play it for free from discard after killing an enemy.

  • Emergency Cache will provide funds for Guard Dog and other things that can't be paid for by Schoffner's Catalogue. Or as an alternative something like "I've had worse…" can be used instead.

  • Short Supply fires up your discard engine and lets you use your investigator ability right from the start.

  • On the Hunt helps you get an enemy when you need it and eliminate dead turns (since this deck focuses solely on fighting you won't be any good at finding any clues at all).

  • Lucky! helps you get an additional boost during bad chaos bag draws while fighting or testing treacheries.

  • Take the Initiative is your main weapon against nasty treacheries or you can always play your turn first when you need to land a blow against a high fight enemy.

  • Your allows you to return any cards so you should prioritize non-asset ones first. Resourceful acts as additional way to trigger your for red cards (which this deck mainly comprises of).

Upgrade path:

At this point it's a 19xp Stand Alone Deck. After this - upgrade other cards for their respective lvl up versions from the side deck depending on your collection, your playstyle and your campaign needs.