I will find my way back to you - Lost in Time & Space/Calvin

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jonnydv · 2

"Get up."

Calvin lay there, his body drained and his spirit fading. He knew that voice, though for a moment he could not place it.

"Open your damn eyes and stand up. You don't get to die. Not yet."

The voice was cracked and hoarse, more exhausted than he would have thought possible, but it was his own.

"João needs you. Now."

Calvin's eyes shot open, his mind electrified by that name. Before him was an impossible, infinite vista that nearly destroyed his senses just to look at, but he would not allow it to overcome him. His last memory was that dirt road, that pain that burned into his soul. And now he was here.

Lurching, flowing dimensions and times tumbled about him like a waterfall, urging him to fall into them, to just let go. He would not. Even to the end of the universe, he would find João. He would find his way home.

Calvin took a moment to steel himself, and then he started to walk.

This Calvin deck is intended to be played with Lost in Time and Space in Standalone mode.

It has 19xp, so two random basic weaknesses (Amnesia and Haunted are recommended for extra immersion).

The theme of this deck is endurance and a bitter fight for every step of the journey through the impossible planes of infinity. There are no free clues or damage, no friends or allies, no turning failure into success, nothing with "luck" in the title. Nothing but the clothes on your back, a memento of your love, and teeth-gritting willpower that pushes you forward.

Every clue and damage is a test, and every test is a grueling trial, but one that you have the determination to overcome. You take it on the chin, and keep on walking through the terrible all-that-is until at last, you spot that tiny tear, that rip in reality that will send you home. And you leap for it.

Just keep going. Hurt them if you can, but never give up. You have reserves of strength within you that no-one will ever know.

The cards here are intended to be those that keep you standing and that push your ability to make difficult tests without providing any safety net or guarantees.

Good luck. And may you find your way home.


Effort - Highest skill test result

A - 20 or more

B - 14 to 19

C - 9 to 13

D - 8 or less

Endurance - Total damage taken

A - 18 or more

B - 13 to 17

C - 10 to 12

D - 9 or less

Escape - Your resolution

A - Resolution 1, Agenda 2

B - Resolution 1, Agenda 3

C - Resolution 3

D - Defeat

--Built for the Drawn to the Flame deck-building competition 22.08.2018--